Sexual Addiction or Sexual Compulsivity: What to Call It?

Should sexually compulsive behavior be designated a disorder or an addiction? Relatively recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) added compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD) as an official diagnosis. Clinicians have long required clear criteria to establish a diagnosis and engage in a treatment protocol.

For additional information read the article from Psychology Today:


Our Journey of Recovery


The SCA Daily Meditations book


This 396-page book contains  a meditation for each day of the year, plus a title index.
The print version of Our Journey of Recovery  book will not be sold through the SCA literature store, but only thru Amazon. All other SCA literature is available in our literature store
However, you can buy the E-book version (which includes an interactive topic index and the Slogans) through Amazon, Apple or Google.



This pamphlet focuses on Pornography, Software Apps (Computer based and Mobile), and the Internet and their role in addiction and can also be found in the 3rd edition of SCA’s A Program of Recovery, Chapter 17.

Pornography, Apps & Internet Addiction – Available for $3.50 in the SCA Literature Store.

October 2020 ISO Conference

The ISO has voted to conduct a special conference entirely on the Zoom platform on Saturday, October 24th, 2020 Noon – 5pm, and Sunday Noon-4pm [Note: all times are EDT= GMT- 4:00].
The primary focus of this conference is to consider specific pieces of new literature and other items of SCA business.

Please e-mail me at for the Zoom meeting ID (phone access code) and password.

Now Available for Review

New SCA Conditionally Approved Literature

“The Promises” has now been printed and is being distributed to various intergroups, meetings and individuals. Members are encouraged to read it and make comments and suggestions for the Literature Development Committee to consider and/or incorporate into their recommendations for ISO approval.

Please submit your suggestions to the  following address:

Also let David N. know if you need additional copies mailed to you:

New SCA literature available

SPONSORSHIP IN SCA – A new ISO approved piece of literature now available for purchase.  Ask if your local intergroup has it or order it on-line at:

SPOSponsorship in SCA $3.50

Experience, strength and hope discussion of Sponsorship as a tool of the program. Topics include setting expectations, finding a sponsor, and guidance on the conduct of the sponsor-sponsee relationship (18 pages).