Serenity By The Sea Oct. 23rd-26th

SCA ISO/NYC will present a “Welcome to SCA” workshop at the Provincetown AA Roundup. The 2024   Roundup, is celebrating its 37th year of recovery, unity, & service for the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans-gender, Queer, Questioning) community and all of their friends. Our workshop will be on Saturday, Oct. 26th at 10:30 am. This well-attended AA event, has also invited other 12-Step Fellowships to present workshops this year.
Here is the link to register for the P-town Roundup:

SCA-JAPAN Convention 2023

SCA-JAPAN Convention 2023 will be held in Fukuoka for two days, November 4th(Sat)and 5th(Sun).

The first day is a closed meeting where people with sexual compulsion or think they may have 
it can participate. On the second day, in addition to those involved, family and friends, 
medical, supporters, and lawyers can also participate.

On the second day, we will invite Dr. Takeo Muto of Koyodai Hospital to give a lecture. 
Please visit their website for more information:

Inter-Fellowship Forum meeting Held June 24, 2023

The mission of IFF is to promote a spirit of cooperation among S fellowships, with a
primary purpose of reaching the still-suffering addict. IFF has been dormant for the last
five years. Two people from SAA are now taking an active role in getting these lines of
communication open again.
Discussion Points:
• SPAA suggests no porn or sex outside of a committed relationship. Edging is
considered middle-circle behavior. They are four years old and have about 400
members. They have gay and woman-only meetings.
• SAA is starting legal outreach the last couple of years and likes what SCA has
done in the Southern California area. Their intergroup set a 5-year plan for their
• Castimonia involves vows of sexual purity tied to moral and religious beliefs.
They have mixed-gender meetings, apps, and social media using a biblically
redeemed approach to the Twelve Steps.
• It was agreed to try to include all recovery programs’ website addresses on each
organization’s individual main website.
• Annual IFF Conference is planned for Cosa Mesa, California. They will update us
on the exact date.


from Dr. Alexandra Katehakis – Outside Director for SCA :

“We’re living in a disruptive time; pandemics, war, and climate change disasters are on the rise. I don’t
think we’re ever “going back” to what was. As such, I believe we will continue to see an increase in
addiction as people grasp to regulate themselves and find meaning in a topsy-turvy world. Sadly, the
current sociopolitical climate engenders isolation, violence, and deprivation of those in need making
SCA and its services more critical. SCA will remain a beacon of light through inclusivity, a place for
people to find a “home” where they won’t be judged, and caring fellows to soothe and support them.
May you all flourish and be well.”

October 2020 ISO Conference

The ISO has voted to conduct a special conference entirely on the Zoom platform on Saturday, October 24th, 2020 Noon – 5pm, and Sunday Noon-4pm [Note: all times are EDT= GMT- 4:00].
The primary focus of this conference is to consider specific pieces of new literature and other items of SCA business.

Please e-mail me at for the Zoom meeting ID (phone access code) and password.

SCA-ISO Conference Chicago May 3-5, 2019

You’re invited to participate in this year’s

SCA International Service Organization’s (ISO) Annual Conference.

This year’s ISO conference will take place from Friday May 3rd through Sunday May 5th in Chicago IL. Any SCA member may attend, and we especially encourage representatives from intergroups and/or meetings to do so. You don’t have to travel to be a part of the ISO Conference. Using the app StartMeeting will allow you to fully participate from your home, allowing you to see documents that are being discussed, as well as engage in any discussion and voting.

The ISO was created by SCA in 1990 to serve all intergroups and meetings worldwide.  ISO approves,  publishes and distributes SCA approved literature. It also maintains the website:, it answers inquiries via phone, letters and email, encourages and helps support the development of new SCA meetings. ISO also reaches out to families and friends, the courts, institutions, the media, and professionals to make them aware of SCA  and its purpose.

Among the Fiduciary, Outreach and Inreach topics to be discussed and voted upon this year will include 3 pieces of new SCA Literature. All of these documents have been sent to ISO delegates currently registered in our SCA  ISO Yahoo group. If your intergroup and/or solo meeting is unrepresented and has not received these documents,  please consult with your members as to electing someone to be a delegate, and notify so that your delegate can be included in the email/document list. Each SCA meeting has one vote, and a delegate from an intergroup may represent one or more meetings for voting purposes.If you have any questions about the conference, or if you would like to become more active in the ISO is, please contact Gordon at:

The Larger Picture – Overview of SCA and the ISO Conference by the Director at Large

This year’s ISO Conference was a resounding success in the view of the ISO Director at Large. The delegates worked well together in a cohesive manner, and tackled the agenda effectively and efficiently. A healthy group conscience was clearly evident throughout the conference. We approved pertinent literature submissions, referred other literature back for additional work, and rejected one piece of draft literature, plus a suggested wording change to one of the Tools of SCA. There was a searching discussion of the limits of the authority of the Executive Committee, and its individual officers, together with the role and authority of the annual ISO Conference itself. Of particular note was a resolution affirming that SCA’s Third Tradition includes all those wishing to recover from sexual compulsion in any and all of its manifold forms of expression, which was passed unanimously.

Focus of the Director at Large report presented to the 2015 ISO Conference and recommendations made to ISO were:

  • Define/expand job description of Director at Large
  • Expand job descriptions of Inreach, Outreach and Fiduciary Committees
  • Continue to support SCA fellowship history project, and its independence
  • Define what constitutes an SCA group and intergroup
  • Continue to prioritize definition and explanation of SCA Steps and Traditions
  • Continue to hold, strengthen and promote quarterly ISO and ISO Committee calls
  • Publicize available service positions
  • Develop ISO Service Manual
  • Promote commitment, stability and continuity in ISO service
  • Formulate plans to improve ISO’s fundraising efforts
  • Continue to prioritize, encourage and support SCA website redesign and upgrade

Conclusion & Summary

The Tools That Help Us Get Better tell us that “Service is a way of helping ourselves by helping others.”  Much of the report had a common thread: ISO needs to promote and support service in general, but also particular areas of service. ISO also needs to encourage commitment, stability and continuity in service. In the way we go about doing service, both as a service board and as individual Trusted Servants, we should not lose sight of the Traditions and core principles of the program. Some ISO service positions and areas need to be better defined.

SCA has no paid special workers. Just as we are self-supporting in financial terms, so must we be self-supporting in the service that is done to keep all the varied areas of the fellowship going. In order to carry the message of recovery, the fellowship needs strong Seventh Tradition contributions from all quarters.

In service,

Kevin B