Literatura en Español

Dos piezas de literatura están disponibles en Español por primera vez. El precio es el mismo que el de las versiones en Inglés. “Vergüenza Secreta” ($1.50) y el folleto “Para el Recién Llegado” ($25 por un paquete de 50).

Estas publicaciones han sido el resultado de mucho trabajo por un par de años en las costas Este y Oeste con un árbitro” es un traductor profesional y un miembro de SCA, revisado por el Comité de Alcance Interno, y la aprobación completa de la Organización International de Servicio (ISO) en la conferencia anual del 2012.

“Vergüenza Secreta” es un folleto que habla de la compulsión sexual en las vidas de hombres gays y lesbianas.  La versión en Inglés está disponible por separado o es parte del “Little Blue Book”.  La versión en Español no es parte del “Librito Azul” todavía y está disponible por separado.

El folleto “Para el Recién Llegado” es una guía compacta útil para darle a los recién llegados en las reuniones o para colocar en clínicas u otras instituciones.

Literature in Spanish

Two pieces of SCA literature are now available in Spanish for the first time, priced the same as the English versions: “Vergüenza Secreta” (“Secret Shame”, $1.50) and “Para el Recién Llegado” (“For the Newcomer”, $25 for a pack of 50).

These are the result of considerable work over the past couple of years on the East and West Coasts, with “refereeing” by a professional translator who is a member of SCA, review by the ISO Inreach Committee, and approval by the full International Service Organization at the annual conference in 2012.

“Secret Shame” is the familiar pamphlet about sexual compulsion in the lives of gay men and lesbians. The English version is available separately or as part of the Little Blue Book, but the Spanish version is not yet part of El Librito Azul and is only available separately.

“For the Newcomer” is intended for placement in clinics or other locations, and is also useful at meetings.

Preparing for the ISO Conference in April

Greetings to all those attending the upcoming ISO Conference in Chicago, our annual three-day business meeting where we work to establish the Group Conscience of the fellowship as a whole.   In this article, we cover the Registration Form, travel instructions, a reminder about hotel reservations, food, and technology available in our meeting room.

Registration Form

The ISO Conference Registration Form is available to those who are on the ISO List. If you are not on the list and plan to attend the annual Conference, please contact ISO through the main SCA website,  Complete the Registration Form and return it via email to one of us no later than March 29, 2013.   Email instructions appear on the form.

Travel Instructions
O’Hare.  If you are flying into O’Hare Airport, you can take the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) blue line to the Addison Street stop, where you should then get the #152 Addison Street bus going east.   If you are staying at the Majestic Hotel (528 W. Brompton), get off the #152 bus at Pine Grove (one block west of Lake Shore Drive), walk south on Pine Grove one block and then walk east on Brompton until you reach the Majestic.   NOTE:  The #152 Addison bus stops running at 10:00 p.m.  After 10:00 p.m. get off the CTA blue line at Irving Park Road and take the #80 bus (which runs until 11:30 p.m.) east to Broadway.  Then take the #36 Broadway bus south to Addison, walk one block east on Addison, one block south on Pine Grove, and then half a block east to the Majestic Hotel on Brompton.
Here is a map from Google Maps if you are driving from O’Hare to the Majestic:
A cab from O’Hare to the Majestic will run you anywhere from $50 to $70 depending on the time of day and traffic.
Midway.  If you are flying into Midway Airport, you can take the CTA orange line to Roosevelt Road and then switch to the Red Line going north.  Get off the Red line at Addison (right near Wrigley Field).  Walk east on Addison to Pine Grove, make a right on to Pine Grove and walk one block south on Pine Grove to Brompton.   Walk east on Brompton to the Majestic.
Here is a map from Google Maps if you are driving from Midway to the Majestic:

A cab from Midway to the Majestic will run you anywhere from $40 to $60 depending on the time of day and traffic.

The Chicago Transit Authority also posts instructions for travelers journeying from O’Hare or Midway into the city on its web site–
The Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted, is about a ten minute walk from the Majestic.  Here is a Google Map that charts that journey by foot or car:  
Hotel Reservations
As indicated in our prior post to ISO List on January 20, we reserved a limited block of rooms at the Majestic Hotel (  The deadline for reserving a room in the reserved block is March 27.    The Majestic’s phone number is 855-778-2710 (toll free) or 773-404-3499 (local).   Our January 20 post details rates and describes accommodation options.
Here is schedule for meals during the Conference;
Friday April 26.  Chicago is organizing an optional self-pay dinner near the Center on Halsted.  Location to be announced.  If you are interested in attending this dinner, please indicate on the registration form.
Saturday April 27.  Continental breakfast will be served in the Center on Halsted Board Room, where we will conduct our meeting.  Continental breakfasts are also available at the Majestic Hotel for those staying there.
Saturday April 27.   We will provide vouchers for participants to purchase a hot or cold lunch at Whole Foods, which is physically attached to the Center on Halsted.   People often buy lunch at Whole Foods and then eat it in the Center’s attractive lobby area.
Saturday April 27.  Chicago Intergroup is hosting dinner for ISO representatives (and additional guests who must self-pay) at a location to be determined.
Sunday April 28.   Continental breakfast will be served in the Center on Halsted Board Room, where we will conduct our meeting.  Continental breakfasts are also available at the Majestic Hotel for those staying there.
Sunday April 28.  Chicago is organizing an optional self-pay lunch at or near the Center on Halsted.  
Technology in Center Board Room
We will conduct our meetings in the 2nd floor boardroom of the Center.  The room is equipped with a Poly Com conference bridge phone (VTX 1000) which we can utilize for our Calliflower teleconference.  There is an additional Ethernet port on this bridge phone.   An LCD projector is available from the Center, along with a large projection screen, if anyone wants to present a PowerPoint or other kind of visual document at the meeting.
In our next communication, we will once again recap upcoming conference registration and hotel registration deadlines and also let you know where we will be having the Saturday night dinner.
Yours in Recovery,
Arnie A. and Anthony P.

New York Winter Retreat

The New York Winter 2013 Retreat on Steps 7, 8 &9 is this coming weekend, February 8, 9 & 10. The registration deadline has passed, but it’s not too soon to start thinking about attending the summer retreat if you missed it.


General Information:

The retreat is 2 nights, 3 days – it starts with a Friday dinner/meeting and ends with Sunday lunch and a Gratitude Meeting.

There are recovery workshops, meetings, a traditional Saturday night creativity hour and game of Charades, plus plenty of quiet time to spend with yourself or friends as you please.

The Incarnation Center is a beautiful quiet retreat facility off in the woods near Ivoryton, CT. It has a petting zoo nearby with lots of cool farm animals (llamas, alpacas, etc.). There are roaring stone fireplaces during the winter and a beautiful lake just down the hill with hiking trails surrounding it. During the summer one can swim in the lake with all sorts of activities.
By all reports the food is great, with all your meals provided for, including vegetarian options.

All persons have their own private room. Most have shared bathrooms (recently renovated and very nice, with private stalls for showers and toilets), although a few (usually reserved for the women) have private bathrooms. All the rooms are nice and all are assigned randomly. Please no requests!
There is imited space, so send in your registration quickly. The retreat sells out fast, and a waiting list is then created.

The retreats are always reasonably priced, subsidized by SCA NY fundraisers, a scholarship fund, and generous donations from SCA NY members who can afford to help others. Thank you for your contributions!

It’s Time for the L.A. Convention

Carry the Message…Experience, Strength & Hope.

Convention weekend is fast approaching.

February 15 – 17 2013
Plummer Park – West Hollywood, California

Congratulations to the cast of the Convention show!
“Recovery in the Key of Life”: Dan W. Dean K. John S. Michael R. Steven B.

Registration $50 — Includes opening ceremonies, meetings, all workshops, breakfast, lunch, Saturday night banquet and Sunday brunch.

Online registration

Registration by mail:
Checks payable to SCA Convention
7985 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 109-96
West Hollywood, CA 90046

Workshop in L.A. on Socializing

The workshop on Socializing in Recovery will take place Saturday, March 9, 2013, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., in Plummer Park’s Art Room #1, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90046. Please note that this is afternoon. We will again be multi-tasking, by discussing what socializing in recovery is all about, and how to socialize as one of the Tools To Help Us Get Better. Attendees are encouraged to bring and share their ideas for using the Tool of Socializing. We will have a draft piece of literature on Socializing for the workshop to revise as we see fit. If all goes well, we may submit it to the Los Angeles Intergroup for use as literature on its meeting tables.

Our Tools That Help Us Get Better reads in part: “Socializing is a way of breaking down our isolation and getting to know other people in a non-sexual context; at fellowship after meetings; in supportive organizations and groups; and in the community at large.”

This continuing series of workshops is to help retain those new to the Fellowship of SCA, for those seeking a breakthrough in their recovery from compulsive sexual behavior and to help other members move forward in staying sexually sober, through working the Twelve Steps of SCA and using the other Tools of the Program. Please bring your SCA Little Blue Book, a large Spiral bound notebook and pen or pencil, and especially bring any ideas you have for socializing in recovery. We ask a $5.00 donation, to help cover our costs. Net proceeds go to the SCA Los Angeles Intergroup. No one is turned away for lack of funds. The workshop will be conducted in English. We hope to see you there.

We have done workshops on each of the “Twelve Steps of SCA,” and the “Tools That Help Us Get Better.” We are always interested in finding new facilitators to lead workshops, especially workshops we have not done before. Please give us feedback, as to the next workshop you would like to see, or persons in the Southern California region whom you would like to nominate to host a workshop. February brings the SCA Convention, which will take place on President’s Day Weekend. The SCA Convention will have many workshops, to help in your recovery. For more information, go to, and click on “Convention” or “Workshops”. After the SCA Convention, the next workshop will be March 9th. Our deadline to volunteer for a workshop in April is Wednesday, March 13th, because of the lead time necessary for preparation of workshops.

You may email any comments, suggestions or questions to us at: