SCA Los Angeles 2021 Convention

The 2021 Los Angeles Convention will take place via zoom on President’s Day weekend.

February 12th – 14th

The weekend will start with our Friday evening 6:30 meeting.

Saturday will include meetings, workshops and a zoom social.

Our weekend will conclude with our Sunday morning meeting.

The cost to attend the weekend events will be free.

More information will follow on our website.


2nd ISO Zoom room added

SCA is here to support you and has added a second ISO Zoom room, which will be available exclusively for SCA recovery meetings. The recording system has been disabled for the new room. Therefore, SCA should not hold any of its business meetings on this channel.

Please be aware that this room was created specifically to enable new meetings to access Zoom, wherever they happen to be. If you or someone you know wants to start a new meeting, it is very important that they contact Gary S., the Inreach Chair at to coordinate meeting times, and to allow us to list the meeting on our international website. 

October 2020 ISO Conference

The ISO has voted to conduct a special conference entirely on the Zoom platform on Saturday, October 24th, 2020 Noon – 5pm, and Sunday Noon-4pm [Note: all times are EDT= GMT- 4:00].
The primary focus of this conference is to consider specific pieces of new literature and other items of SCA business.

Please e-mail me at for the Zoom meeting ID (phone access code) and password.

Now Available for Review

New SCA Conditionally Approved Literature

“The Promises” has now been printed and is being distributed to various intergroups, meetings and individuals. Members are encouraged to read it and make comments and suggestions for the Literature Development Committee to consider and/or incorporate into their recommendations for ISO approval.

Please submit your suggestions to the  following address:

Also let David N. know if you need additional copies mailed to you: