Tag: socializing
Registration is now open for the Los Angeles Convention.
Thanksgiving Gratitude Meeting – via zoom
The glass is half full – let’s share about it.
Please join us for our SCA Thanksgiving Gratitude Meeting
Start Thanksgiving in a positive way
Thursday November 28, 2024
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
Click here to join the meeting
For more information see the Los Angeles SCA website: scalosangeles.org

Sex Anyone the Musical

The show centers around Sexual Obsessives Anonymous, a fictional 12-Step program. You’ll probably recognize your friends — or yourself — in its meetings. SCA members get a 20% discount using the code SOA20 before May 1. For information go to: SexAnyoneTheMusical.com
OPEN CALL for the SCA NY holiday show …
(Based on ‘Bye Bye Birdie’)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
3-6pm (please be on time)
Shetler Studios
244 West 54th Street
12th floor and Penthouse
(btw Broadway and Eighth Avenue)
Anyone who wants to participate in the show should attend! Whether you want to act, sing, dance, have a large part or a small part, show up and get ready for fun.
Any SCA member who attends can be in the show! Open call is to determine who’ll play whom. Just bring yourself no audition material needed. All past actors
welcome too don’t be shy.
Show date: Saturday, December 10, 2011
Rehearsals will be primarily on Sundays from 3-6pm. Times may vary. Additional rehearsals will be held the week of the show and all day on December 10th. Not everyone will be
called for every rehearsal.