SCA-ISO Conference Chicago May 3-5, 2019

You’re invited to participate in this year’s

SCA International Service Organization’s (ISO) Annual Conference.

This year’s ISO conference will take place from Friday May 3rd through Sunday May 5th in Chicago IL. Any SCA member may attend, and we especially encourage representatives from intergroups and/or meetings to do so. You don’t have to travel to be a part of the ISO Conference. Using the app StartMeeting will allow you to fully participate from your home, allowing you to see documents that are being discussed, as well as engage in any discussion and voting.

The ISO was created by SCA in 1990 to serve all intergroups and meetings worldwide.  ISO approves,  publishes and distributes SCA approved literature. It also maintains the website:, it answers inquiries via phone, letters and email, encourages and helps support the development of new SCA meetings. ISO also reaches out to families and friends, the courts, institutions, the media, and professionals to make them aware of SCA  and its purpose.

Among the Fiduciary, Outreach and Inreach topics to be discussed and voted upon this year will include 3 pieces of new SCA Literature. All of these documents have been sent to ISO delegates currently registered in our SCA  ISO Yahoo group. If your intergroup and/or solo meeting is unrepresented and has not received these documents,  please consult with your members as to electing someone to be a delegate, and notify so that your delegate can be included in the email/document list. Each SCA meeting has one vote, and a delegate from an intergroup may represent one or more meetings for voting purposes.If you have any questions about the conference, or if you would like to become more active in the ISO is, please contact Gordon at:

SCA New York Holiday Show

SCA New York Holiday Show: The Book of More Men

Friday, January 4, 2019 and Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 8:00 pm

Join us for our SCA Winter Show and Holiday Fellowship:

The Book of More Men

Friday & Saturday January 4th and 5th at 8 pm (Please arrive at 7:30 pm)

The American Theatre of Actors

314 W 54th Street

New York, NY 10019

Holiday fellowship with light refreshments will follow each performance!

Buy your ticket(s) now !


New SCA literature available

SPONSORSHIP IN SCA – A new ISO approved piece of literature now available for purchase.  Ask if your local intergroup has it or order it on-line at:

SPOSponsorship in SCA $3.50

Experience, strength and hope discussion of Sponsorship as a tool of the program. Topics include setting expectations, finding a sponsor, and guidance on the conduct of the sponsor-sponsee relationship (18 pages).

The Write Way


 To Be Of Service


The Recovery Book Committee is looking for writers to produce commentary on a few of the SCA “characteristics”.

The type of writings can be summed up as similar to what the AA 12&12 has done with the Steps and Traditions.  They are not personal stories, but more from the viewpoint of a non-specific member and general language, including as much experience and “solution” so others may identify with the characteristic.


Please announce or pass this along at your meetings and Intergroup.


If interested respond to either:


(modified from a piece produced by the St. Louis SCA Service Committee)

A word about sponsorship. Sponsorship is two people with the same problem helping each other to work the program.  Many SCA members are seeking sponsors to be part of their program of recovery. A sponsor may be (but not limited to) someone who has made some progress in sexual-recovery and shares that experience on a continuous, individual basis with a fellow addict. Would all those who are willing to serve as a S.C.A. sponsor, please let your meeting(s) know.

In order to keep our recovery, it is suggested that we can help others through service.  Chairing a meeting, sponsoring a fellow addict, or participating in local, regional or international positions are just a few examples of service.  These actions can break our isolation, form community, meet the needs of SCA members and meetings, and ultimately help us stay sober.  Consider making service a regular part of your recovery.

To learn more contact:

Gary S.  at:


from SCA Berlin Intergroup

SCA Berlin Intergroup would like to send our best thanks to the 12 step outreach committe of SCA Los Angeles, and to all ISO Members who were engaged with that issue, to make  it possible for us to use the outreach-poster for public information in Berlin. We appreciate your support a lot!
in fellowship
(ISO Rep. for Berlin Intergroup)

ISO update to all SCA members

A message to all SCA members, from your International Service Organization

Dear SCA members,

the annual conference  of SCA’s International Service Organization (ISO) took place April 20th-22nd in St. Louis MO

Among other business matters, the ISO did the following:

—heard and approved the final report of the History & Unity Committee, which described in detail how SCA was formed separately in Los Angeles and New York, and quickly came together as a 12-Step fellowship, helped by a growth in shared literature and by “cross-pollination” of members  and 12-step principles between the two cities.

—heard and approved a report of the newly-formed  Ad Hoc Committee on Program Inventory, now known as the Fellowship Inventory Project.  This committee was started last year in response to the growing concerns  among individual intergroups and meetings over the recent decline in membership in some regions. This committee has now been granted a charter by ISO to continue examination of SCA’s strengths and weaknesses, in order to clarify our need for acceptance and/or need to take actions, going forward. The committee’s work may include a survey of the fellowship, as part of the process of identifying areas that may need strengthening, in order to fulfill SCA’s primary purpose—to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. The Fellowship Inventory Committee operates under the Inreach umbrella.

we have 3 new pieces of literature:  two of them “provisionally approved” for one year, which means that are printed in a limited number, and  have been sent to ISO delegates and Intergroups, seeking comments and suggestions for possible changes/additions/deletions.

They are: 

Commentary on the 12 SCA Traditions , submitted by Toronto Intergoup. This replaces the Traditions document that had been provisionally approved at the 2017 ISO. The new version was “provisionally approved” by the ISO and  was  duly published and sent to ISO members and intergroups earlier  this summer. The Literature Development Committee has since received feedback, and will use this as a basis for suggested revisions.

— Commentary on The Promises of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous, also submitted by Toronto Intergroup, and currently available for use by SCA Toronto meetings. This has also been “provisionally approved” , and will soon be sent to ISO delegates and intergroups. The Literature Development committee welcomes any feedback from the membership, prior to its submission for a possible final, unconditional approval at next year’s ISO Conference.

The Sponsorship Pamphlet. This document, which had already received final approval at the 2017 ISO Conference, was never printed, and has since received some welcome editorial changes from the Toronto Intergroup. The newest version has been given final, unconditional approval by the 2018 Conference. It will be published in October  and will become part of our SCA Conference-approved literature, available for online purchase.

On Fiduciary matters, the previously approved Privacy policy has been implemented and is now in force. This policy guides how we gather, use, retain and purge information about anyone who contacts ISO,  who orders literature from the ISO website, or who does service for ISO. 


we also have new written documentation on ISO service positions, which have been written and compiled as part of a project to produce a comprehensive service manual.

we heard a report from our Archives Committee, who have made significant progress on transcribing interview tapes from early SCA members and founders.

We also conducted elections for Executive Committee members. The Executive Committee consists of 6 members, 3 of whom are up for election in even-numbered years, and the other 3 members in odd-numbered years.

David N. (New York) is now the Fiduciary Chair, having taken over from John F. (Paris), who completed a two-year term.

Gary S. (Los Angeles) is now the  Inreach Chair, having taken over from Tony D. (New York), who completed 2 two-year terms

Jim M. (St. Louis) is now the  Director-at-Large, having taken over from Dan W. (Los Angeles) who completed a one-year term.

ISO is very grateful to John, Tony and Dan’s hard work and devotion in their recent service positions. 

the remaining executive committee members are:

Rich K. Outreach Chair

Linda Engstrom , Outside Director

Gordon B. ISO Chair

these 3 service positions will end their term after the 2019 ISO Conference, which is tentatively scheduled for May 3rd-5th, 2019 in Chicago IL. 

The next ISO Quarterly Conference call will take place  3:00-5:00 pm  EDT , Saturday October 20, 2018, via our conference call app—StartMeeting. Any SCA member may participate. ISO delegates are encouraged to do so.

yours  in service 

Gordon B.

ISO Chair