Questions & Thoughts


9/23   How do you chose your sponsor? What are your and their’s expectations?

Please submit your Thoughts, Feelings or Experiences about this question to the e-mail address below. You can also submit a SCA related article, poem, post or etc. to be considered for publication to the same address:


8/’23   SCA’s “Statement of Purpose” is to help the addict who still suffers. A lot has changed in the last 50 years since SCA first addressed sexual addiction.  SCA’s Outreach team would appreciate hearing from you on what is and isn’t working, not only in your local meetings but in general with how sexual compulsion/addiction is being addressed today?
Anonymous – SCA Los Angeles
SCA originally started in the gay communities of Los Angeles and New York, and is non-discriminating open to anyone suffering from sexual compulsion.  I believe that most therapists and treatment centers still think of SCA as the place to recommend only to their LGBTQ clients.  I think more people are seeking help from professionals first before attending any 12 Step “S” group and not finding their way to our meetings.  Many people are not “acting out” but “acting in”.  With the advent of Apps, social media, free porn, it’s easier to isolate into the disease .  Even on line meetings are a bit isolating. As the nature of the disease has changed, SCA has kept up and produced some of the best literature available. With more Outreach, we can let the the health professionals become better informed about us and we can again become more available.
Gordon B.- Chair, SCA New York Intergroup
My experience is that SCA meeting attendance waxes and wanes. Currently, we are going  through a transition period, in which a number of New York members attend our in-person meetings while avoiding Zoom meetings. Other NY members stick to Zoom but do not attend in-person meetings. We have a growing number of members who do not live in New York. For them, our Zoom meetings are a lifeline to the fellowship. Ideally, it would be great if those members eventually start their own in-person meetings locally. We are not yet at that point.  But we should be grateful for what we have.
As a member of NY Outreach, I get a steady stream of inquiries from people looking for help. Some of them attend a few meetings, then drift away. Others stay. Many newcomers struggle with a sense of shame in admitting to be a sex addictive/sexual compulsive, etc. But I believe that more people than ever are asking for help. The pandemic added to the sense of isolation that many of us feel. Porn usage continues to rise. I believe that our fellowship is doing what we can to help the sexual compulsive who still suffers, both inside and outside the rooms. We can let go of the result.

Inter-Fellowship Forum meeting Held June 24, 2023

The mission of IFF is to promote a spirit of cooperation among S fellowships, with a
primary purpose of reaching the still-suffering addict. IFF has been dormant for the last
five years. Two people from SAA are now taking an active role in getting these lines of
communication open again.
Discussion Points:
• SPAA suggests no porn or sex outside of a committed relationship. Edging is
considered middle-circle behavior. They are four years old and have about 400
members. They have gay and woman-only meetings.
• SAA is starting legal outreach the last couple of years and likes what SCA has
done in the Southern California area. Their intergroup set a 5-year plan for their
• Castimonia involves vows of sexual purity tied to moral and religious beliefs.
They have mixed-gender meetings, apps, and social media using a biblically
redeemed approach to the Twelve Steps.
• It was agreed to try to include all recovery programs’ website addresses on each
organization’s individual main website.
• Annual IFF Conference is planned for Cosa Mesa, California. They will update us
on the exact date.


This pamphlet focuses on Pornography, Software Apps (Computer based and Mobile), and the Internet and their role in addiction and can also be found in the 3rd edition of SCA’s A Program of Recovery, Chapter 17.

Pornography, Apps & Internet Addiction – Available for $3.50 in the SCA Literature Store.

Hear SCA Speakers Share

This is an invite to join the NEW WhatsApp SCA Group.  This Literature group is part of the “Speaker Meeting of the St. Louis Group”.  You can download WhatsApp on your cell phone.  SCA Speakers will be sharing their experience, strength, using SCA Literature.

To join this group or invite others to this group: official start will be January 1, 2023, but the first speaker is already posted. Don’t miss it!

This is an audio only meeting. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday new speakers will be posted. The shares are 10-15 minutes on a topic from SCA literature or other conference approved literature from other fellowships.

Feel invited to share your experience, strength and hope on the topic in by recording in WhatsApp.  Once you’re in the App, you will see a microphone on the lower right corner of the screen. The speaking time limit is 3 minutes of recorded audio.

For anyone new to the Fellowship, please go to the SCA Website to find in-person meetings or more information at


from Dr. Alexandra Katehakis – Outside Director for SCA :

“We’re living in a disruptive time; pandemics, war, and climate change disasters are on the rise. I don’t
think we’re ever “going back” to what was. As such, I believe we will continue to see an increase in
addiction as people grasp to regulate themselves and find meaning in a topsy-turvy world. Sadly, the
current sociopolitical climate engenders isolation, violence, and deprivation of those in need making
SCA and its services more critical. SCA will remain a beacon of light through inclusivity, a place for
people to find a “home” where they won’t be judged, and caring fellows to soothe and support them.
May you all flourish and be well.”

E-Book Version of Avoiding Common Pitfalls – 2nd Edition Now Available for Sale

E-Book Version of Avoiding Common Pitfalls is now available for sale on any of our three (3) E-Book platforms. This version contains all of the revisions and additions included in the corresponding chapter in the new Recovery Book. The price for the E-Book is $0.99.


Available on Apple iBooks here

Available of Amazon Kindle here

Available of Google Play here


Other E-Book versions of chapters containing new material will be available in the coming months.