The 2016 DC SCA Fall Retreat will be held Sept. 23-25 at the beautiful Claymont Mansion in historic Charles Town, WV. The retreat theme is “Relationships 102: Making the Most of Them!” While full details are still pending, preregistration is now open. Book early to get the best room selection.
Author: admin
New York retreat nearly sold out
The Summer SCA New York Retreat will be held on Friday, September 9th through Sunday, September 11th.
This retreat will focus on the “Tools of Recovery.” It will deepen our understanding and relationship to the suggested tools of the program. The three workshops at the summer retreat will focus on the following tools of the program: Meetings, The Telephone, Sponsorship, Service, A Sexual Recovery Plan & Abstention.
SCA New York offers two retreats each year: winter and summer. Each retreat is two nights and three days (Friday to Sunday) at the Incarnation Center, a tranquil retreat facility in the woods in Ivoryton, CT. The retreats are reasonably priced at $225 and are subsidized by SCA NY fundraisers, and a scholarship fund supported by your generous donations.
What to expect on the retreat: fellowship; games; laughter; free time; nature walks; a creativity salon; moments of quiet reflection; meetings and workshops focused on the steps and recovery tools; swimming in the lake during summer and sledding and fires during the winter; and an opportunity to strengthen program friendships and develop new ones. All workshops, meetings, and scheduled events are optional.
Just What Does the Inreach Committee Actually Do??
The International lasix Service Organization of SCA is essentially composed of three service committees, a chairperson, a Director at Large and two Outside Directors. The Directors serve as members of the Executive Committee and help keep the committee chairs on track and insure that actions taken reflect the 12 traditions of ambien SCA.
The Inreach Committee deals with all issues arising from within the fellowship. The structure of the Inreach Committee is as follows:
Sub-Committees: Literature Development subcommittee is the place where any piece of literature considered for conference wide approval is vetted. Often members of this subcommittee will work with the authors of a piece of literature where suggestions for any changes can be worked out.
Recovery Book Subcommittee is working on an expanded 3rd additon of the “Little Blue Book.” Chapters are being written addressing the 12 steps, 12 traditons, characteristics and personal stories of recovery.
Nominating Committee: The Inreach Committee works to find qualified individuals to take on service within the Executive Committee of ISO.
Regional Coordinators: Regional Coordinators serve to keep the various intergroups and meetings worldwide informed about developments within ISO. Regional Coordinators getting ativan serve specific areas of the globe. Regional Coordinators also maintain contact with individuals within their region who live where there is no SCA meeting. The Regional Coordinators could bring together lone members who live near each other, not knowing that another prednisone Secxually Compulsive Individual lives nearby. New SCA meetings can be formed in this way. (Some of the earliest meetings of SCA took place in members living rooms.)
Presently there are vacancies for regional Coordinators for the ambien Central and Western United States and for Asia and Oceana. You do not need to live in a specific region in order to serve as a Regional Coordinator. This service is open to any member of the fellowship. You do not need to be involved with ISO in any other way.
Finding sponsors for individuals who live where there are no SCA meetings is also part of the Inreach Committee’s service to the fellowship. Fellows often sponsor individuals who live in other countries. The Inreach Committee puts sponsor and sponsee together and encourages them to work things out between themselves as to whether to be in get stromectol contact by email, text message or texting.
Any individual interested in providing service as either a distance sponsor, Regional Coordinator, member of the Nominating Committee or any other service within ISO can contact Tony D. Inreach Committee Chair at
Sunday Funday and other Los Angeles news
Help Wanted!!!
After several years of serivce Alexander T. has resigned as the editor of the SCANNERONLINE blog.
The SCANNERONLINE is an important and underutilized vehicle for fellows in our program to share their experience, strenth and hope. The SCANNERONLINE also serves as a vehicle for the various intergroups to share notes about what is happening within their particular Intergroup. It is important to keep this vehicle alive.
For the time being I will serve as a focal point where folks can send information to be uploaded. Send information to In the header write for the SCANNERONLINE.
Los Angeles is Carrying the Message to Professionals
SCA Los Angeles is doing outreach to mental health and related professionals. See the attached flyer for more info.
Los Angeles 2016 Convention
Registration is now live for the above. This annual event will take place this year over Presidents Day Weekend, begining Friday, February 12 through Sunday, February 14.
More info and direct sign up can be found here.
Los Angeles Workshop on Time Management
Sex addiction can really monopolize one’s time. What to do though once one begins recovering?
SCA L.A.’s next workshop, taking place on Saturday, January 23rd at Plummer Park, will explore this topic in depth. More info can be found here.
New York Winter Retreat Registration Open
It’s also that time of year, for SCA New York’s Winter Retreat. Registration info can be found here.
Los Angeles Thrice-Annual Retreat Upcoming
It’s that time again, the L.A. St. Mary’s Retreat in Santa Barbara, coming up this weekend, January 1-3, 2016.
Registration details can be found here. Spots are filling fast, hurry and don’t miss out!