Tag: Fellowship
Registration is now open for the Los Angeles Convention.
Questions & Thoughts
“I am hopping and trying to find meetings with open communication. This will only help me with my own Honesty, Shame, Trust, Hope, Strength & Willingness to Learns and to Stay & Remain OPEN Always .. Please 🙏 Any HELP IS & Will be Appreciated” – D.W.
Dear D.W.,
All SCA meetings support member’s sharing their feelings, experience, strength and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from sexual compulsion. If our behavior was illegal, we might seek out someone (like our sponsor) with whom we can be entirely honest without fear of consequences and choose to share our feelings at meetings instead of the details. We ask members to respect the anonymity and confidentiality of every person we meet and everything we hear at meetings.
Anonymity assures that our meetings are safe for those in pain. This respect of anonymity keeps the program safe for members and prospective members to attend. Through the anonymity offered at meetings, we find a refuge where we are neither judged nor shamed. Many of our meeting’s format have a sharing portion where members may share breakthroughs or breakdowns in their program, ask questions, get current on situations in their lives, or just express honest feelings they may be in touch with. Crosstalk is discouraged and is defined as: Giving advice, criticizing, or making comments about someone else’s share, questioning or interrupting the person speaking, talking while someone is sharing, or speaking directly to another person rather than to the group.
We suggest attending a few meeting to find a “home” meeting that you feel most comfortable. We have available in-person, on line, virtual and hybrid meetings that can be found on our website: sca-recovery.org
Please make these announcements at your meetings, intergroup and to other interested parties
We have updated and changed the new SCA YouTube Channel link to: https://www.youtube.com/@SCA-Recovery . Please subscribe to the channel to help its visibility. New videos are being uploaded on a regular basis. Feel free to give this information to therapists, health and recovery facilities and to the addict who still is suffering. We also need members to be of service and allow us to use and share their recordings of their commentaries on various chapters of our Big Book, A Program of Recovery.
You can now subscribe to the SCA newsletter at SCAnneronline.org to get announcements e-mailed to you of new SCA related news and articles. Please send any related information to the SCAnner Editor under the “About Us” tab or at the “leave a comment” at the end of each news article.
Thank you for your help,
Gary S ISO Outreach Committee Chairman
Thanksgiving Gratitude Meeting – via zoom
The glass is half full – let’s share about it.
Please join us for our SCA Thanksgiving Gratitude Meeting
Start Thanksgiving in a positive way
Thursday November 28, 2024
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
Click here to join the meeting
For more information see the Los Angeles SCA website: scalosangeles.org

Serenity By The Sea Oct. 23rd-26th
SCA ISO/NYC will present a “Welcome to SCA” workshop at the Provincetown AA Roundup. The 2024 Roundup, is celebrating its 37th year of recovery, unity, & service for the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans-gender, Queer, Questioning) community and all of their friends. Our workshop will be on Saturday, Oct. 26th at 10:30 am. This well-attended AA event, has also invited other 12-Step Fellowships to present workshops this year.Here is the link to register for the P-town Roundup: https://www.provincetownroundup.org/index.aspx