SCA Los Angeles Convention 2011


“Spirit & the City”

Friday & Saturday,
February 25-26, 2011
Plummer Park in West Hollywood,
7377 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90046

3 Speaker Opening Meeting, workshops focusing on different tools to help
maintain sobriety with an emphasis on a spiritual connection, lots of
fellowship, and an incredible show, INTO THE PARK: A Recovery Fable

$35 early registration
$40 day of event
$20 show only (for friends & guests)

For more information or to register, please contact Manuel F., or visit the SCA Los Angeles website.

International Fellowship Forum

The International Fellowship Forum (IFF) is composed of representatives from Sexual Add’icts Anonomous, Sex & Love Addicts Anonomous, Sexual Recovery Anonomous, Sexaholics Anonomous and Sexual Compulsives Anonomous. Its purpose is to berrer carry the missage of recovery to the suffering addict. It meets yearly and is hosted by one of the member Fellowships.

One of the results of this cooperation has been the establishment of a website,, where newcomers or members can obtain meeting information by typing in their location. Also, it is opportunity for Fellowships to share their literature with each other.

I have personally been involved in IFF since its inception in 2001, first as SCA’s International Coordinator and, presently, as Outreach Chair. The Forum has been particularly helpful to me in the area of prison outreach.

The Forum is an opportunity to practice the concept of “WE” rather than I.

New meeting in Hudson Valley, NY

Kingston, New York, in the Hudson Valley about two hours north of New York City and an hour south of Albany, is the site of the newest SCA meeting, starting Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011. Here are the details:

THURSDAYS, 7-8 PM, “Experience, Strength and Hope.” Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall Street, Kingston, NY. 2nd floor library.

This meeting features a speaker/qualification and discussion on the 1st and 3rd weeks of each month, and a topic discussion on the 2nd and 4th weeks. Open to any and all who feel powerless over sexual thoughts and behaviors, are acting out sexually, and/or have a desire to stop their patterns of sexual compulsion and addiction.

New York plans February event

SCA New York
is having a Variety Show Fundraiser on February 25th, 2011 at

PS 41

116 West 11th Street 
(btw 6th and
7th Ave)

will open @ 7:30 PM
Show starts @ 8:00
PM. Save the date!
$10.00 suggested
fundraiser donation.

Note: this
fundraising event is separate from the regular Spring Recovery Weekend
/ Conference.
Under the Seventh Tradition, only SCA members may donate, as we decline outside contributions.

800 Number respondees

Service Opportunity


800 Number Responders

Please note change in requiremants


If you have at least 6 months in Program, you are eligible to serve as a responder to the calls for help that come in on our 800 number. This service involves retrieving the calls, two days a week, and making an appropriate response.


If you are interested, please contact Joe S, Outreach Committee Chair


212 799-0952

347 420 0100




SCA literature on Google eBookstore

As previously mentioned, Google is now selling electronic versions of SCA literature.

Their preliminary name was Google Editions, but they are now using the brand Google eBookstore. The address is — search for Sexual Compulsives Anonymous

It is currently limited to access only from within the United States.
You’ll note that the pamphlets are 99 cents each, while the Little Blue Book is discounted to $4.93.
The following titles are available:

Secret shame


What About




A Program
of Recovery

$4.93  $6.40

NYC Winter Retreat: Feb. 11-13, 2011

Registration is open for New York Intergroup’s winter retreat, to be held Feb. 11-13. This is the weekend BEFORE President’s Day weekend.

The Winter Retreat

February 11-13th

The Incarnation Center
Ivoryton, CT.

  • February 11-13th, 2011. 2 nights, 3 days – Friday to Sunday.
  • Topic: An Introduction to Steps 7,8,9. Note: Having reached these Steps not required! There will be recovery workshops, games, plust plenty of quiet time.
  • The Incarnation Center
    is a beautiful quiet retreat facility off in the woods near Ivoryton,
    CT. It has a petting zoo nearby with lots of cool farm animals (llamas,
    alpacas, etc.). Also roaring stone fireplaces and a beautiful lake just
    down the hill with hiking trails surrounding it.
  • The food is great, with all your meals provided for. Vegetarian meals available on request
  • All persons have their own private room (shared bathrooms).
  • There is limited space, so send in your registration quickly.
  • Transportation to/from by coordinated Metro North train & chartered bus. (Or carpool)
  • Very reasonably priced ($200 is all-inclusive: covering everything but your round-trip Metro North train ticket if traveling with the group.
  • Contact person: Steve A.

The winter retreat is a wonderful time to huddle around the
roaring stone fireplaces and take walks down to the lake. A relaxed,
intimate weekend.

For information on retreats, please email:

Or visit the New York Intergroup website at

Los Angeles SCA Workshop

Stepping Through The Holidays
(Sober, Sane, Serene)
9:00 AM -­‐ 2:00 PM
7377 Santa Monica Blvd,
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(park on north lot only)

Please bring: AA Big Book, AA 12 & 12, Large notebook, Pen, Pencil
Donation: $10.00

HOLIDAYS can be emotionally charged for many addicts. We have expectations about what’s the “spirit of Christmas” and whether we’re part of it; how, when, where and with whom I’m to share this special time. Does the celebration bring a renewed faith in our HP, feelings of being safe, loved and belonging with “good will to all men.” Or instead, are we overcome with isolation, self loathing (what’s wrong with me that I can’t do and feel what I see others are enjoying), depression and hopelessness.

FAMILY visits can also be be emotionally charged. We may have unresolved issues with other family members that trigger old pain by seeing them again in old familiar locations. We may come from a dysfunctional family where we’re the only one in recovery and they still practice the old behaviors: pitting self will, demands and manipulations against other family to get what they want. This causes other members to resist and retaliate in kind. A family engrossed in a constant collision of wills isn’t a safe environment for an addict.

HOLIDAYS and FAMILY combined can threaten our newfound sobriety or recovery. This workshop will identify the people where you feel discomfort and show you how to apply the Steps using specific suggestions from the AA Big Book and 12 & 12. You will come out with a new PLAN OF ACTION based upon the AA 12 steps instead of your old tools for coping with Family and Holidays.

L.A. workshop postponed

The Step 6 & 7 workshop, originally scheduled for Sun., Nov. 21,
has been postponed until Sun., Dec. 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,
at Plummer Park, West Hollywood. We just didn’t have enough time to get fliers out. I
will have them with me at the next Intergroup meeting, for distribution
to your individual groups.

Anyone who attends Dec. 12th is encouraged to bring their 4th Step inventory, or be familiar with it.

See you at Intergroup.

Bob L.