The following is a contribution to the SCAnner, which encourages any member to do the same. Use the “About Us” link for more information.
SCA’s 7th Tradition states: “Every SCA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”
“It is suggested that, after paying their rent and other expenses and accumulating a prudent reserve, SCA meetings donate their surplus funds to their respective SCA Intergroup, and that SCA Intergroups forward 30% of these funds to the SCA International Service Organization. If an SCA meeting does not belong to an Intergroup it is suggested that their surplus funds be sent to ISO.”
“Raise the annual allowance of direct individual contributions from SCA members to SCA-ISO to $5,000 per year and maintain the allowance of single bequests from SCA members at $5,000.”
We Cannot Skimp
“Our spiritual way of life is safe for future generations if, as a Society, we resist the temptation to receive money from the outside world. But this leaves us with a responsibility – one that every member ought to understand. We cannot skimp when the treasurer of our group passes the hat. Our groups, our areas and AA as a whole will not function unless our services are sufficient and their bills are paid. When we meet and defeat the temptation to take large gifts, we are only being prudent. But when we are generous with the hat we give a token that we are grateful for our blessings and evidence that we are eager to share what we have found with all those who still suffer.”
(The Language of the Heart, page 221)
“Now, where do AA’s services – worldwide, area, local – fit into our scheme of things? Why should we provide these functions with money? The answer is simple enough. Every AA service is designed to make more and better Twelfth Step work possible, whether it be a group meeting place, a central or intergroup office… or the world service Headquarters….. Though not costly, these service agencies are absolutely essential to our continued expansion – to our survival as a Fellowship. Their costs are a collective obligation that rests squarely upon all of us. Our support of services actually amounts to a recognition on our part that AA must everywhere function in full strength – and that, under our Tradition of self-support, we are all going to foot the bill.”
(AA Grapevine, October 1967)
The full text of this pamphlet can be viewed here: