Author: Gary
2nd ISO Zoom room added
SCA is here to support you and has added a second ISO Zoom room, which will be available exclusively for SCA recovery meetings. The recording system has been disabled for the new room. Therefore, SCA should not hold any of its business meetings on this channel.
Please be aware that this room was created specifically to enable new meetings to access Zoom, wherever they happen to be. If you or someone you know wants to start a new meeting, it is very important that they contact Gary S., the Inreach Chair at to coordinate meeting times, and to allow us to list the meeting on our international website.
Saturday Workshops on the 14 Characteristics
The ISO Recovery Book sub-committee wants your input!
SCA’s International Service Organization (ISO) will hold a series of Saturday afternoon workshops to read and discuss the recently submitted draft commentaries on The 14 Characteristics Most of Us Seem to have in Common.
These drafts have not yet been considered by ISO to become Conference-approved SCA literature. All members of the fellowship are welcome to attend any or all of these sessions. These workshops will be held every Saturday from October 31st through December 12th. The intent is to read the commentaries on two (2) characteristics at each session, followed by open sharing and a short, simple survey to obtain feedback. Each session will also include a reading of the Prologue and Epilogue, the chapters that introduce and summarize the commentaries.
These workshops will take place on Saturday afternoons, beginning October 31st at 3:00 pm USA Eastern Time in ISO Zoom room #2. Contact Gary S. at for the Zoom room number and password, then use the link below:
We look forward to your participation and hearing your comments on the proposed literature.
October 2020 ISO Conference
The ISO has voted to conduct a special conference entirely on the Zoom platform on Saturday, October 24th, 2020 Noon – 5pm, and Sunday Noon-4pm [Note: all times are EDT= GMT- 4:00].
The primary focus of this conference is to consider specific pieces of new literature and other items of SCA business.
Please e-mail me at for the Zoom meeting ID (phone access code) and password.
“S” Virtual Retreat weekend of October 23rd
Since our retreats have been cancelled (for the time being) you may want to attend the
St. Louis “S” Retreat:
SCA e-Books Available
Please announce to your groups and members that the following SCA literature is now available on Amazon Kindle, Google Books and Apple iBooks:
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous: A Program of Recovery
Avoiding Common Pitfalls on the Road of Recovery
Avoiding Common Pitfalls on the Road of Recovery
Q&A: A Guide to Newcomers to Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
Sponsorship in SCA
El Librito Azul (Spanish Edition)
What About Masturbation?
Secret Shame: Sexual Compulsion in the Lives of Gay Men and Lesbians
Additional “read-only” literature can be found on: and
SPONSORS–Calling all sponsors!
“Sponsorship is two people with the same problem helping each other to work the program. It can provide a framework for a sexual recovery plan and for doing the Twelve Steps, and can bring emotional support at difficult times.”
The Inreach Committee of the SCA International Service Organization (ISO) is setting up an out-of-meeting sponsor pool for SCA members worldwide who are in need of sponsorship. This is a great way to do service and carry the message to those members who are in countries, cities and places where there are limited or no face-to-face SCA meetings, or to loners and isolated meetings. Contact can be by telephone, mail, email, Skype and internet messaging services!
If you are interested in providing distance sponsorship and helping another member to work the program, please supply the following information:
- First Name and Last Name Initial
- City and Country of Residence
- Postal address and/or email address
- Phone number (optional) – indicate best time to call/restrictions
- Languages – spoken or written, plus degree of fluency
- Background details – time in recovery, areas of familiarity e.g. sexual anorexia, internet addiction etc., other recovery programs, will sponsor men, women or both, preferred method of communication, other pertinent details.
- Any questions that you may have.
Send details by email to:
OR by mail to:
SCA Inreach Committee
P.O. Box 1585, Old Chelsea Station
New York, N.Y. 10011
NOTE: Your contact information will only be given to SCA members that request a sponsor via the SCA Inreach Committee Sponsor List. SCA members worldwide are welcome to put their names on the list and become an out-of-meeting sponsor.
“Service is a way of helping ourselves by helping others.”
Go Figure!
Out of all the SCA survey respondents over half had either never heard of or read:
Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Moving Thru Withdrawal
Secret Shame
yet many members complain that there is not enough SCA literature! Go Figure?
Our literature is available on our website and over the internet
2020 Annual Conference Report
The International Service Organization of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (ISO of SCA)
held its annual business conference during the weekend ending April 19th, 2020.
The following is a summary of the Conference:
We unconditionally approved the Commentaries on the 12 Steps of SCA
We unconditionally approved “The Gifts of Recovery”, formerly identified as “What We Get from Working the Program”
We unconditionally approved 8 individual stories of recovery submitted by SCA members
We unconditionally approved the German translation of the SCA Blue Book
We unconditionally approved the French translation of the Four-Fold
We approved immediate and widespread distribution of the SCA Fellowship Inventory Survey findings/suggestions to the membership through various means, including PDF files and possible printing, if needed
We approved convening a special ISO Conference in late October 2020 (date TBD). It will be conducted remotely. Its primary purpose will be to consider additional SCA literature for approval: including, but not limited to commentaries on the 14 Characteristics, more individual recovery stories submitted by SCA members, and a piece on Porn, Apps & Internet Addiction. [This event is in addition to the regularly scheduled ISO quarterly conference calls: July 18, October 3, January 16, 2021, and the annual ISO conference, to be held in Atlanta in spring of 2021]
Following our current (2018) Literature Development Procedure, all literature must be submitted to the ISO list at least 90 days prior to the conference, in order for it to be considered. A progress report on the Big Book development may also be given.
We approved an amended Donations policy, which limits annual individual donations to $5,000 and sets a one-time $10,000 limit of donations made through wills, trusts, foundations, and other fiduciary entities. This had not previously been specifically defined.
We approved a Commercial Transactions policy, establishing limits on long-term financial commitments entered into by the Fiduciary committee. It also prohibits any rent/lease of ISO resources to any entity within or outside SCA. Any monetary transactions benefitting ISO will be deemed 7th Tradition donations to the general fund, without consideration of any direct or specific benefit.
Elections of Officers
Fiduciary Chair: David N. (NY) re-elected for a 2-year term (2022)
Inreach Chair: Gary S. (NY) re-elected for a 2-year term (2022)
Director-at-Large: Laura R. (LA) elected for a 2-year term (2022)
Food for Thought
“Recovery is a miracle — each one of us is a walking