SCA Berlin Holiday Event

SCA Berlin is holding a Christmas Event on December 9th from 4.30 PM to 7.30 PM, open to all participants of 12 step “S” groups.

4.30 PM – 6 PM  SCA Christmas meeting based on the daily meditation of “Answers in the Heart”. (Meeting will be conducted in German, but you can share in any language)

6 PM – 7.30 PM  Singing/Socializing with Coffee, Tea, Cake and Cookies. Grand Piano available in meeting room! If you are able to play it, you are welcome to take a seat!

Flyer with full details is here: sca_einladung.pdf

SCA Berlin Intergroup

How Do I Get Involved with SCA’s International Service Organization?

SCA’s International Service Organization (ISO) is the service body responsible for SCA as a whole. 

The natural progression of service within SCA usually starts with personal and meeting level service
as a secretary, treasurer, literature representative, sponsor, greeter,
etc., followed by a period of service with a local Intergroup, either as a meeting’s
Intergroup Representative and/or on their local service board for the area. 
Each Intergroup’s elect ISO Representatives to attend the annual
International Service Conference.  ISO is also served by several other
members of SCA who do service in a variety of ways for ISO and SCA as a

Among ISO’s tasks include developing, publishing and distributing SCA-ISO conference-approved literature; internal communications within SCA; answering our postal mail, e-mail and telephone communications;  outreach to hospitals, institutions, the legal system, mental and sexual health professionals, and other 12-Step S-fellowships; developing content for and maintaining the website; accounting for SCA’s finances; recording the minutes for our meetings; archiving important documents; and a myriad of other tasks in service to SCA’s Intergroups and the fellowship as a whole.  It takes many trusted servants to make all of this happen to help individuals, meetings and Intergroups around the globe carry the message of SCA recovery.

Service supports our both sexual sobriety and our recovery.  Some would
quote the old 12-step adage, “You need to give it away in order to keep
it.”  If you are looking for a new service commitment and a new challenge, then perhaps you might consider serving at the ISO level.

There most basic way to get involved with ISO is to request to be added to the ISO e-mail list serve.  To request to join the ISO list-serve, please send an e-mail to

You might stand for election as an ISO Representative for your local Intergroup.  If your meeting does not belong to an Intergroup, then your meeting may elect it’s own ISO Representative to attend the ISO Conference.

Another way to get involved that does not necessarily require attendance at the annual ISO Conference, although all SCA members are welcome to attend, is to join one of ISO’s three standing committee’s by requesting to join their Google group.

The three standing committees of ISO are as follows.


  John F.

* The Inreach Committee is responsible for contact between ISO and
the Fellowship as a whole. 
* It serves as the primary communication
channel between ISO and the various Intergroups and meetings.
* It maintains contact information for Intergroups, or where there
is no Intergroup, individual meetings.
* It solicits and
develops SCA literature.
* It oversees publication of the
SCAnner (currently an online blog at
* It gathers information on perceived needs of
meetings, and provides support for isolated meetings.
Except for the Outside Director positions, it solicits nominations for
vacancies as they occur in the Executive Committee or the Standing

Chair:    Joe S.

* The Outreach Committee is responsible for contact between ISO and
those outside the Fellowship.
* It deals with requests
from the media and develops a public information policy in alignment
with the 12 Traditions.
* It handles relations with
hospitals, prisons and other institutions, other 12-Step Fellowships, as
well as professional associations.
* It takes
responsibility for communications to ISO, whether by postal mail, electronic
mail, telephone or other means.
* It solicits nominations for
vacancies as they occur in the Outside Director positions.


Chair:   Sid W.

* The Fiduciary Committee is responsible for the daily business of
* It maintain ISOs financial records and is
responsible for drafting its annual budget, and overseeing its bank
accounts, whose signatories are designated by ISO.
* It
publishes and distributes ISO-approved SCA literature in a timely
* It manages literature sales and inventory.
* It handles legal records, including copyrights of ISO literature.
* It maintains the ISO Archives.
* It produces minutes
of ISO meetings.

Please contact me at if you have any questions about how or where to get involved.

Yours in Recovery,

Dan W.

ISO Service Opportunity – Archivist

Hi.  My name is Dan and I am a sex addict and the current Chair of SCA’s International Service Organization.

An important but often overlooked service position for SCA’s International Service Organization is that of ISO Archivist.

It is important to have safe and orderly files of important ISO documents.  As part of his/her service, the Archivist may choose to investigate saving these items electronically. 

The ISO archives are currently stored in New York City in a space shared with the SCA New York Intergroup for their archives.  It would be important keep separate the two archives.  

One would not necessarily need to be an elected ISO Representative or attend the annual ISO Conference to serve as ISO Archivist, but that person would be considered part of ISO’s Fiduciary Committee currently chaired by Sid W., would need to join the Fiduciary Committee Google group and also the general ISO e-mail List Serve.
If you are interested in serving in this position, please feel free to contact me at

Yours in recovery,

Dan W.

ISO Service Opportunity – Recording Secretary

Hi.  My name is Dan and I am the current Chair of SCA’s International Service Organization.

An important function to the operation of SCA’s International Service Organization is recording the official minutes of SCA’s annual International Service Conference.  

If this person is not an elected ISO Representative, it is possible that airfare and housing to/from the annual ISO Conference could be arranged with approval of ISO’s Executive Committee.  Next year’s ISO Conference will be in San Diego and the 2012 ISO Conference is planned for Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  (We truly are an “international” organization.)

The person serving as Recording Secretary would be considered part of ISO’s Fiduciary Committee, which is currently chaired by Sid W., and this service position would necessitate joining the Fiduciary Committee’s Google group and the ISO e-mail list serve
One would not necessarily need to own their own lap top, but the ability to type is essential.  The Recording Secretary is expected to turn around draft minutes of the ISO Conference within 30 days of the conclusion of the conference.

An ambitious recording secretary would also record minutes for our four ISO Conference Calls in between ISO Conferences.  The ISO Conferences currently uses a conference call system that records the proceedings which will help the Recording Secretary to deliver quality and accurate minutes.

If you are interested and available for this important service, please contact me at

Yours in recovery,

Dan W.

ISO Service Opportunity – Literature Publication Coordinator

Hi.  My name is Dan and I am a sex addict and the current Chair of SCA’s International Service Organization.  Between the literature development process of creating and ISO approving the content of SCA literature and the literature distribution process of disseminating that literature throughout the SCA fellowship is the process of taking approved literature content and putting it a form able to be distributed.  This middle process is literature publication.

ISO is need of a Literature Publication Coordinator.

This person would be part of ISO’s Fiduciary Committee, which is currently chaired by Sid W., and this service position would necessitate joining the Fiduciary Committee’s Google group and the ISO e-mail list serve, but does not necessarily require serving as an elected ISO Representative or attending the annual ISO Conference in person.  

Among the tasks at hand are overseeing SCA-ISO’s copyrights, formatting and working with printers in preparing distribution of ISO literature.  This position could also involve researching electronic methods of publication.

To serve as ISO’s Literature Publication Coordinator, one does not necessarily need to be an current professional expert in publishing. The coordinator could serve as the liaison between ISO and others inside and outside the fellowship who have this knowledge and expertise.

Please contact me at if you are interested and available in serving the SCA fellowship in this important way.

Thank you!

Yours in recovery,

Dan W.