The new officers and committee chairs are:
Month: March 2011
NY Intergroup to change meeting date
Beginning in May, New York Intergroup will change its monthly meeting time to the first Sunday of the month, still 3-5 pm at The Center.
Here is the schedule for the rest of 2011:
April 10th (still 2nd Sunday)
May 1 (new schedule starts)
June 5
July 10 (resched for July 4th)
[No meeting in August]
Sept 4
Oct 2
Nov 6
Dec 4
Help Wanted: SCAnner Editor
The International Service Organization of SCA is seeking one person (or more) to edit the SCAnner, the blog you’re now reading.
If you’re interested, please contact the current editor through the About Us page.
The current editor has subscribed to the email groups of the New York and Los Angeles intergroups and receives information from other groups and intergroups (Washington DC has its own newsletter, for instance). The editor also monitors the site and gives approval to others who want accounts with posting privileges.
We would hope that the new editor(s) would also be able to solicit contributions on themes, as we have done in the past. In particular, we have had theme issues on the Sexual Recovery Plan, the Steps, etc. We also have run a regular contributor column called My Story.
There is no set term of office for this position — all volunteers are welcome!
SCAnner on the Los Angeles website
The Los Angeles Intergroup site,, now features the feed from the SCAnner. Links appear at the bottom of the leftmost column. Click on any headline and you’re redirected to the SCAnner site.
News from the International Service Organization
The International Service Organization (ISO) of SCA met last weekend in San Diego. We covered a large number of items on a three-day agenda, and there will be additional reports as time goes by. Next year we will meet for the first time outside the United States, in Toronto.
We approved one entirely new piece of literature, “Avoiding Common Pitfalls on the Road of Recovery,” as well as a slight modification to the existing pamphlet “For the Newcomer.”
We also discussed the concept of
Regional Coordinators and asked New York and Los Angeles to each round
up one volunteer.
The Regional Coordinators act as the liaison between ISO and the local
groups and intergroups, so having one of the existing ISO reps perform
this function would make sense, though it is certainly not a
This person would be asked to serve as a member of the ISO Inreach
Committee, which has a telephone meeting approximately every two months,
usually on a Saturday from 12-1 pm, Los Angeles time, or 3-4 pm New York time.
We have several current projects in various stages. As coordinator, you
would be asked to either work on such projects or give status reports
when there is no progress.
1) Liaison to groups and Intergroups. We have a form letter available
for emailing. You would reach out to the Intergroups in your region, to
make sure that their ISO reps exist, and to find out when they are
replaced and who the replacements are. I would also hope you would
encourage the reps (at least) to join ISO-LIST and to look at the online
SCAnner —
2) Nominating committee. You would let your contacts know about any
ISO-level vacancies and encourage them to suggest people who might want
to do service for these particular needs or any others they might have
in mind.
These are processes, not events, and I would expect the level of success
to vary over time and place. I am open to any approach you think would
work. Over the past year, we have successfully contacted the various
groups so that we can remove the password protection from the
International Meeting List on the Web, for example.
Our Regional Coordinator system has proved very effective overseas and
in the Central USA. I look forward to working with a Los Angeles rep in
the Western USA and a New York rep in the Eastern USA.
In service,
John F., ISO Inreach Committee Chair
Newcomers’ Workshop Series in Los Angeles
Topic: POWERLESSNESS, Saturday, March 19th, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and
UNMANAGEABILITY, Saturday, April 23rd, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Location is Plummer Park, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd., Art Room 1, West
Hollywood, CA 90046.
These workshops are a follow-up to Part 1 of the Newcomer’s Workshop at
the SCA Convention. They provide an extended opportunity to begin work
on Step One of the SCA Program.
Please bring: AA Big Book; AA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions book; Large Spiral bound notebook; Pen or pencil.
Suggested Donation: $10.00 to pay for materials. None turned away for
lack of funds. Net proceeds go to Los Angeles SCA Intergroup.
Please confirm attendance with Peter C.
Please download and distribute the flier from
the SCA Los Angeles website. Go to “Workshops” to download the PDF.
Thanks, Bob L.. Workshop Committee Chair.
New meeting in New York
A new SCA meeting is starting at The Center in New York City:
Sundays 8-9pm (1hour) Topic: 12 Steps / Traditions
Please come show your support.
New York Intergroup
New York meetings: The Big Move
Several New York meetings are held at GMHC. Here is an update:
location is closing and moving soon. According to
announcements at GMHC and on their website:
“The move is
scheduled for April 15-18. The goal is to be up and running
on Tuesday, April 19. We are trying to make this move as
minimally disruptive as possible. In the meantime, please
visit our website ( and you can check
out our second video, hosted by Jeff Rindler, Managing
Director of Program Services and Evaluation, and Jennay
Thompson, Director of Coordinated Care. In this video, we
provide a tour of the 6th floor and give you a glimpse of
the new kitchen and dining room, which is almost completed.”
– GMHC website
GMHC meetings will start at the new facility Tuesday,
April 19th. (As currently planned – stay tuned)
If you are an SCA representative for a GMHC meeting, please
contact GMHC
to confirm that your meeting will be moving to the new facility.
Each SCA meeting is
autonomous and must make this decision and contact on their own.
It is suggested
to hold a quick business meeting to discuss your group’s
The contact information is on their website: