New SCA Telephone Meeting

Online Intergroup is pleased to announce that a new weekly
telephone meeting, open to all SCA members worldwide, will start July 17, 2011.
It will be held Sundays at 4:00 p.m. New York time and will be conducted in

The starting time outside North America will vary depending on whether New York
is on Daylight Savings Time or not. Currently, that means 9 p.m. in London,
2000 GMT, and 5 a.m. in Tokyo, for example, but in six months the starting time
will be 9 p.m. in London, 2100 GMT, and 6 a.m. in Tokyo. Services like can tell you when it will be 4 p.m. New
York time in your locality.

If you are interested in participating, send an email to, and
you will be sent an invitation and password to access the call. You must have
both before the call begins in order to participate. Passwords are
user-specific, and have an accompanying tag that is used to identify you online
to the moderator and other participants on the call. The tag is usually your
email address or first name. You can say how you would like to be identified in
the email you send when requesting a password.

To join the meeting, you can use a regular phone and make a local call (in most
countries, see the list at, or
call a default US number specified in the invitation, or from a computer you
can use Skype (free worldwide) or Google Voice (typically free as well). If you
use your phone, you will pay the regular tariff to whatever number you choose
from the list. You will then be connected to the international conference call
and asked for your PIN number. 

You can also participate online and see who else is on the call, and
“chat” with participants by typing messages as the call proceeds. You
should be able to do this by clicking on the “join online” link in
the Calliflower invitation you receive. If you are unable to connect in this
way, you will need to create a free account at


There are recorded
instructions for how to use the conference call features when you first call
in. For instance, when not speaking, it is recommended that you mute your line
to eliminate background noise. You can raise your hand so the moderator can see
you want to say something, and call on you when it is your turn to speak.


In keeping with SCA’s 7th
Tradition, contributions can be made by PayPal online at the ISO website by
using the link, or
by check drawn on a US bank via mail to the SCA New York address provided in
the same link. Please be sure to note that funds are from an Online Intergroup

Online Intergroup is very excited to be offering this new option. We are keenly
aware of the number of sexual compulsives who will appreciate being able to
participate in a telephone meeting, especially where there is limited or no
access to face-to-face meetings. As time goes on we hope to expand to more
meetings per week, but one step at a time! 

We hope you will join us on Sundays, and please pass this news on to anyone who
may be interested.

in recovery,

Kevin – SCA Toronto

(Regional Co-ordinator for the
Americas outside the USA, including Online Intergroup and Telephone Meetings)


LA Intergroup meets

Michael from LA reports —
At the May Intergroup meeting, it was suggested that
I, as Secretary of Los Angeles Intergroup, prepare a bullet-points list
of the main things that happened at the meeting, and circulate that
shortly after the meeting.  The purpose of this is so that the
representatives who attended the meeting, as well as those who didn’t
make it, would have a handy reference to print out, take with them and
read to the meeting that they represent.
I didn’t do it for May, but have done so for the June meeting, which was on June 18th.  The summary is below.
I gave this report at the Wednesday night meeting last night, which I represent.  Please
do the same for the meetings that you represent, or, if your meeting
does not have an elected Intergroup rep, anyone is welcome to make these
announcements at the meeting.
Best regards,

Highlights of June 2011 Intergroup Meeting
1.   Benno sent a report which stated that our budget for 2011
(which was a “bare bones” budget, with many items “zeroed out”) was
$2,800. However, Seventh Tradition donations from meetings for the first
six months of 2011 were only $338.60. It was suggested that Intergroup
representatives go back to their meetings and check with the meeting’s
Treasurer to see whether the group can make an Intergroup donation.
2.   Intergroup Chair Jim S. brought a flyer from the Cocaine
Anonymous fellowship, which publicizes their “Meeting of the Month.” A
discussion of the pros and cons of doing the same thing in SCA followed.
3.   Newcomer Outreach Chair Scott P. reported that he had put
together a small committee of actual newcomers to SCA, to solicit their
input about how we can be of service to newcomers to our meetings. Scott
emphasized the importance of making contact with newcomers at meetings.
4. Dan W. reported that SCA accepted the invitation by the
organizers of the annual AA/Al-Anon Roundup to hold an SCA meeting at
this year’s convention. A meeting was held, and attended by about 15
Dan also led a workshop at that event titled “Men, Sex and
Sobriety,” which had 110 attendees! SCA’s goal in participating in this
event was to make members of other 12-Step programs aware of the
existence of SCA.
5.   Legal Outreach Chair Dennis S. has set a goal of finding a way to connect with judges via email.
6.   Workshop Chair Bob L. handed out packets of flyers for the next workshop, which will be held Saturday July 9th
at Plummer Park. The topic of the workshop is Steps 2 and 3. Attendees
were asked to take the flyers back to the SCA meeting that they
represent (or regularly attend) and distribute them.
7.   Spanish Language Liaison Victor R. reported (through Gordon)
that he is working with other SCA members in New York to coordinate
efforts to translate SCA literature into Spanish.
8.   ISO Representative Sid W. reported that the annual ISO
Conference will be held in Toronto in April 2012. He also reported that
SCA/New York is starting to scan SCA archival material to preserve it in
our archives.
9.   Discussion of the issue of whether an Intergroup
Representative should be permitted to represent and vote on behalf of
more than two SCA meetings was tabled until July’s Intergroup meeting.

A new (old) SCAnner logo

Thanks to a suggestion by Kevin from Toronto, and the scanning of archival copies of the SCAnner by Frank H. of New York, we now have a new/old logo for the SCAnner.

The SCAnner Lamp was a regular feature from our earliest days, though it has appeared in a variety of forms, including a candle at times. The one we’ve chosen was used for many years starting in 1990, the year the SCAnner began.


SCA turns 30 in June 2012

At the last New York Intergroup meeting we decided to roll the 30th Anniversary celebration together with our 2012 Spring Conference in May.

The Special Events committee  of SCA NY will plan/host the festivities taking place in NY, and we will need a team effort to make this a big community celebration as it deserves. 

Sunday July 10, 2011, at 2:30pm we will hold a brief “Vision/Roadmap” meeting to commence planning for this event. *All are welcome*

The regular Intergroup meeting starts at 3pm that same day, we’ll meet near the door and find a place to informally chat nearby. This is an early meeting, 30 minutes should suffice. As we get closer to the event, we can add time/space.

Email info:

Thanks from NY Intergroup for a wonderful Spring Conference and show!

For everyone who attended, everyone
who volunteered this past weekend, and everyone who helped put
it all together … you did an amazing service and helped
carry the message in a truly memorable way. THANK YOU. 

HP was there in partnership with pure genius on so many
levels, including: 

Beau Chris Danielle Darren Eddie Frank G Frederick Jeffrey
Jane Jensen John Josh Judy Karl K Karl S Kenny Lane Leyden
Marshall Michael G Michael R Norbert Phil Steve Terence Todd
Tom Tony D Tony W 


What’s next: 

Our report on the conference will be given at the
next SCA NY Intergroup meeting Sunday June 5th 3-5pm at the
LGBT Center. Please come! We’ll bring snacks and refreshments
to celebrate. It was a success in every way. 

Tell your friends about our email

The shows and conferences are growing every year, we’d love to
reach more people. If you enjoyed your experience, please let
people know how to stay in touch with us. Anyone who wishes to
join the SCA NY email list can simply email
and we’ll add them on. Don’t miss out on the fun and recovery

Sign up to volunteer at a future
SCA event.
We always need your help and service. 

A Halloween Dance/Party is in the early stages
of planning – stay tuned. 

Request for Proposals for the
Holiday Show/Party
be coming up in a short while. Give yourself all summer to
write your script/book and start rehearsals in the Fall. Even
if you’ve never written anything before, you can always team
up with someone who has and form a creative team, write up a
brief proposal for a show and come talk about it at our
planning meeting. Stay tuned here for more information. 

Hope to see you soon, 

Your SCA NY Intergroup

Los Angeles Intergroup elects 2011 officers

Officers and committee chairs were elected at the March 20 Los Angeles Intergroup meeting.
The term of office for these positions is April 2011 through March 2012.

The new officers and committee chairs are:

Chair — Jim S.
Secretary — Michael K.
Treasurer — Benno
Steering Committee Chair — Manuel F.
12th Step Committee – Hospitals & Institutions — Dan W.
12th Step Committee – Legal Outreach — Dennis S.
12th Step Committee – Public Information — Alonso
12th Step Committee – Workshop Coordinator — Bob L.
Website Coordinator — Manuel F.
Spanish Language Liaison — Victor R.
Fellowship Social Coordinator — Steve H.
Phone List Coordinator — Gordon B.
Newcomer Coordinator — Scott P.

NY Intergroup to change meeting date

Beginning in May, New York Intergroup will change its monthly meeting time to the first Sunday of the month, still 3-5 pm at The Center.

Here is the schedule for the rest of 2011:
April 10th (still 2nd Sunday)
May 1 (new schedule starts)
June 5
July 10 (resched for July 4th)
[No meeting in August]
Sept 4
Oct 2
Nov 6
Dec 4