News from DC

The Washington Intergroup produces a newsletter six times a year. The most recent features a “My Story” by Craig C. and an article about the Sexual Recovery Plan by Randy G. Here are some excerpts.

From Craig:

My experience with SCA was a beacon of hope for me. In my first meeting, I
immediately recognize at least two people in the meeting from my past
hookups. Although I was a little afraid that people who I used to know in
my life would know my secret, I realize now that’s the point – to not
to have secrets about this. If there is one activity that has given me my
year of sobriety, it’s been the ability to come into an SCA meeting and
to talk about my addiction to include my fears, triumphs and trials. My
relationship with my partner has become even stronger, and we are both
growing as individuals and as couples. And for that I am grateful. 

From Randy:

That is why I need a recovery plan, and why I always have to think clearly
about the choices I am making and their impact on not just myself but the
other important people in my life; my family. I have been blessed with a
very supportive, caring wife and children, but it will always continue to
depend on my choices to stay sexual sober and follow the recovery plan
that I need to achieve that goal.

An archive of the DC newsletters, including the latest one, is available at:

Outreach to the courts in Southern California

By John F., SCA Inreach Committee chair

Angeles Intergroup has been discussing how best to respond to people
ordered by the local courts to attend 12-Step meetings for sexual
recovery. Often, these people begin with a phone call seeking
information. And the courts themselves often seek information. So the Intergroup has been discussing what to
include in the information packet that goes out to the courts.

The intergroup chair has asked the outreach volunteers to work on the wording
and “messaging” so to make sure they are giving a concise and consistent
message which spreads the SCA message across various platforms.

keeping with the traditions, the chair expressed the hope that information about other
fellowships, rehabs, psychiatrists, recovery institutes, etc., would be
eliminated or kept to a bare minimum as SCA has “no opinion on outside
matters” nor do we “affiliate” with outside organizations. SCA has a
strong fellowship with an abundance of resources to help all addicts
who suffer from sexual compulsion. The
packet would also direct the clerks of the court to discard any
outdated meeting list and provide them with the most current copy, which
indicates which meetings sign court papers and which do not.

The LA phone list person, who has been taking these calls, suggested that a brief FAQ also be included in the packet for the first time, with some suggestions:

Where do I sign up to attend?
A. You don’t; just
show up at ANY of the meetings on the list that have “COURT” in
their description. No reservation required. But you MUST show up on time.

How much does it cost?

A. We have no dues or fees for membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. People generally make a donation of a dollar or two at each meeting to help cover the rent of the room and the like, but this is totally up to you — your presence is more important than your money.

What is a court form? Where do I get one?

A. It is a form that
you have the meeting secretary sign and date each time you attend, to show the
judge. But you MUST arrive on time for the meeting, or the secretary will not
sign it.

Is there a meeting in my hometown?

A. All Los
Angeles area meetings are on the enclosed list; there are no others at this

Are there meetings in Spanish?

A. Two each week,
Silverlake and Long Beach, on meeting list.

How often can I go and have it count toward my total?

A. That’s up to the judge, but many allow you to go as often as you like.
There are meetings in the LA area every day of the week.

New Spanish Meeting in Southern California

Spanish speaking meeting starts in Long Beach next Saturday, May 8th,
2010, at 11:15 a.m. Address: 935 E. Broadway, at Unity Church, in the
basement. It will be an hour long, open meeting, and we will sign court

This Spanish-speaking
meeting will begin 15 minutes after the 10:00 a.m. English-speaking SCA
meeting, in the same location.