It’s Time for the L.A. Convention

Carry the Message…Experience, Strength & Hope.

Convention weekend is fast approaching.

February 15 – 17 2013
Plummer Park – West Hollywood, California

Congratulations to the cast of the Convention show!
“Recovery in the Key of Life”: Dan W. Dean K. John S. Michael R. Steven B.

Registration $50 — Includes opening ceremonies, meetings, all workshops, breakfast, lunch, Saturday night banquet and Sunday brunch.

Online registration

Registration by mail:
Checks payable to SCA Convention
7985 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 109-96
West Hollywood, CA 90046

Workshop in L.A. on Socializing

The workshop on Socializing in Recovery will take place Saturday, March 9, 2013, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., in Plummer Park’s Art Room #1, 7377 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90046. Please note that this is afternoon. We will again be multi-tasking, by discussing what socializing in recovery is all about, and how to socialize as one of the Tools To Help Us Get Better. Attendees are encouraged to bring and share their ideas for using the Tool of Socializing. We will have a draft piece of literature on Socializing for the workshop to revise as we see fit. If all goes well, we may submit it to the Los Angeles Intergroup for use as literature on its meeting tables.

Our Tools That Help Us Get Better reads in part: “Socializing is a way of breaking down our isolation and getting to know other people in a non-sexual context; at fellowship after meetings; in supportive organizations and groups; and in the community at large.”

This continuing series of workshops is to help retain those new to the Fellowship of SCA, for those seeking a breakthrough in their recovery from compulsive sexual behavior and to help other members move forward in staying sexually sober, through working the Twelve Steps of SCA and using the other Tools of the Program. Please bring your SCA Little Blue Book, a large Spiral bound notebook and pen or pencil, and especially bring any ideas you have for socializing in recovery. We ask a $5.00 donation, to help cover our costs. Net proceeds go to the SCA Los Angeles Intergroup. No one is turned away for lack of funds. The workshop will be conducted in English. We hope to see you there.

We have done workshops on each of the “Twelve Steps of SCA,” and the “Tools That Help Us Get Better.” We are always interested in finding new facilitators to lead workshops, especially workshops we have not done before. Please give us feedback, as to the next workshop you would like to see, or persons in the Southern California region whom you would like to nominate to host a workshop. February brings the SCA Convention, which will take place on President’s Day Weekend. The SCA Convention will have many workshops, to help in your recovery. For more information, go to, and click on “Convention” or “Workshops”. After the SCA Convention, the next workshop will be March 9th. Our deadline to volunteer for a workshop in April is Wednesday, March 13th, because of the lead time necessary for preparation of workshops.

You may email any comments, suggestions or questions to us at:

Seventh Tradition Matters

The following is a contribution to the SCAnner, which encourages any member to do the same. Use the “About Us” link for more information.

From an Enthusiastic Member of the Fellowship

SCA’s 7th Tradition states: Every SCA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”

At the last two SCA International Service Organization Annual Conferences, in March, 2011 and April, 2012, ISO passed motions regarding several 7th Tradition matters.

In 2011, ISO adopted a suggested worldwide contribution formula for groups and intergroups in an effort to help ensure consistency in the funding by groups of their regional intergroups, and upwards to ISO itself. This is as follows:
“It is suggested that, after paying their rent and other expenses and accumulating a prudent reserve, SCA meetings donate their surplus funds to their respective SCA Intergroup, and that SCA Intergroups forward 30% of these funds to the SCA International Service Organization. If an SCA meeting does not belong to an Intergroup it is suggested that their surplus funds be sent to ISO.”

In 2012, ISO affirmed the acceptability of direct individual SCA member contributions to ISO, and increased the limit for such contributions. ISO also affirmed and restated the existing limit for one-time bequests by SCA members to ISO in wills. The motion passed is as follows:
“Raise the annual allowance of direct individual contributions from SCA members to SCA-ISO to $5,000 per year and maintain the allowance of single bequests from SCA members at $5,000.”

When tackling 7th Tradition matters, SCA as a fellowship and SCA members, like other 12 Step Recovery Programs and their members, have the experience of Alcoholics Anonymous as the first 12 Step Program to examine, and rely on.

Bill W., co-founder of AA, has this to say about the 7th Tradition, as explored in the AA Pamphlet “Self-Support – Where Money & Spirituality Mix,” which contains extracts of his writings from various sources:
We Cannot Skimp
“Our spiritual way of life is safe for future generations if, as a Society, we resist the temptation to receive money from the outside world. But this leaves us with a responsibility – one that every member ought to understand. We cannot skimp when the treasurer of our group passes the hat. Our groups, our areas and AA as a whole will not function unless our services are sufficient and their bills are paid. When we meet and defeat the temptation to take large gifts, we are only being prudent. But when we are generous with the hat we give a token that we are grateful for our blessings and evidence that we are eager to share what we have found with all those who still suffer.”
(The Language of the Heart, page 221)


A Collective Obligation
“Now, where do AA’s services – worldwide, area, local – fit into our scheme of things? Why should we provide these functions with money? The answer is simple enough. Every AA service is designed to make more and better Twelfth Step work possible, whether it be a group meeting place, a central or intergroup office… or the world service Headquarters….. Though not costly, these service agencies are absolutely essential to our continued expansion – to our survival as a Fellowship. Their costs are a collective obligation that rests squarely upon all of us. Our support of services actually amounts to a recognition on our part that AA must everywhere function in full strength – and that, under our Tradition of self-support, we are all going to foot the bill.”
(AA Grapevine, October 1967)
The full text of this pamphlet can be viewed here:

These days, it is more likely that a basket or envelope will be passed around at meetings than a hat, but ISO has no hat. ISO is, however, able to receive electronic or mail contributions. There is news on this front as well.

This year also saw changes to billing details for PayPal and Credit Card payments in an effort to enhance member anonymity. As a result, when contributions are made to ISO via PayPal and Credit Card, only references to “ISO” show up in third party financial institution Credit Card statements. Members’ private PayPal email statements and receipts will, though, show fuller details. Similarly, checks can be made payable simply to “ISO” or “International Service Organization” when they are mailed in. Some details may be added to the back of the check during processing (including mention of SCA), but many cancelled checks are no longer returned to clients, and are destroyed after processing. If bank statements include electronic copies of checks, often only the front of the check is shown. Members with particular concerns might prefer to use PayPal or a Credit Card.

ISO is able to receive electronic contributions via the following link, which also details how to mail in contributions by check drawn on a US bank:

The SCA Statement of Purpose reminds us that: “Our primary purpose is to stay sexually sober and to help others to achieve sexual sobriety.” Tradition Five reminds us that: “Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the sexual compulsive who still suffers.”

In relying on ourselves, we have only ourselves to rely on, and others are relying on us! The 7th Tradition matters!

One-Day Workshop in Los Angeles


An S. C. A. Workshop

OCTOBER 13, 2012

9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


7377 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(Park in North lot. Workshop is at South end of park)

Please Bring:
AA Big Book

AA Twelve&Twelve

SCA Little Blue Book

Large Spiral ring notebook

Pen / pencil

This workshop is for the Newcomer or any Member
struggling with their Sexual Compulsion, Sex Addiction
or Love Addiction.
at these workshops, we encourage attendance by anyone who is court-appointed to attend regular
SCA meetings, and who is interested in asking questions,
finding out more about SCA, and making your time with
us productive. In addition to an introduction to SCA, we will examine
The Tools That Help Us Get Better”
including the “Twelve Steps of SCA”. More experienced
members, and those starting over in SCA are welcome to add to the discussion too. We need not stay for the
entire alotted time, if our examination of the Program is
exhausted, but please make an e
ffort to begin at the same
time as the rest of us.

“SCA’s Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in
their nature, which, if practiced as a way of life can expel
the obsession to act out and enable the su
fferer to become
happily and usefully whole.”

“More sobriety brought about by the admission of sexual
compulsion and by attendance at a few meetings is very
good indeed, but it is bound to be a far cry from permanent sobriety and a contented, useful life.
That is just
where the remaining Steps of the SCA program come in.
Nothing short of continuous action upon these as a way
of life can bring about the much-desired result.”

(Adapted from AA’s 12 & 12)

Donation: $5.00

Suggested donation to pay for materials.
None turned away for lack of funds.

Net proceeds go to SCA / LA Intergroup.


More Info:

Continue reading “One-Day Workshop in Los Angeles”

Sponsor by Mail

Corrections Correspondence

a special kind of SCA Service

We are in need of SCA members on the “outside” who are willing to correspond with SCA members in correctional facilities. We are initiating a Sponsor-By-Mail service to prisoners who wish to have an outside sponsor in SCA.

If you have been continuously sober for at least six months and have experience in practicing the 12 Steps in your life, you could provide someone in prison with this important service.

Please read the Suggested Guidelines below. They are drawn from the shared experience of other 12th Step Fellowship members who have more experience in this type of Service.

Then, fill out the Sponsor-By-Mail Response Form and mail it to


Name __________________________________________ Date ________
                                First, Last Name

Address ______________________________________________________

Phone _______________________________ Email Address___________________

This information is only for use by SBM coordinator.



In addition to observing the rules in Correctional Facilities regarding mail and correspondence, the following are suggested guidelines drawn from shared experience to help you when writing to SCA members on the “inside”.

  1. If you are in a relationship, we suggest speaking with your partner before undertaking this type of service work. We also suggest talking with your sponsor.
  2. You will use ISO’s P. O. Box rather than your home address in all correspondence.
  3. Remember this is not a pen pal club. We share sobriety and sobriety only, helping the inmate to write his/her own Sexual Recovery Plan, and to practice the 12 Steps in his/her life.
  4. We recommend that members not send money, photographs or other personal items to inmates. If a member wishes to send a gift for a special occasion, we suggest it be recovery literature. Many facilities only allow literature sent from the publisher. Some do not allow inmates to receive stamps or pre-addressed, stamped envelopes.
  5. In the spirit of the 12th Tradition, we respect the anonymity of our correspondents
  6. We have found it best for all concerned if no emotional or romantic involvements develop.
  7. You must be willing to attend an occasional meeting called for by the Coordinator of the Sponsor-By-Mail Service.  

Announcement and Reminder from Online Intergroup

First the announcement: Online Intergroup’s weekly telephone meeting is now taking place every Sunday at 4 p.m. New York time.

Now the reminder: for THIS WEEK ONLY, Europe will be on Standard Time, while New York remains on Daylight (Summer) Time. Thus, there is only a four-hour difference between New York and London, and a five-hour difference between New York and most of Continental Europe.

The phone meeting starts at 8 p.m. London time on Oct. 30 (only). It will revert to its new normal time of 9 p.m. London time (10 p.m. Paris time) on Nov. 6.

OPEN CALL for the SCA NY holiday show …

(Based on ‘Bye Bye Birdie’)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
3-­6pm (please be on time)
Shetler Studios
244 West 54th Street
12th floor and Penthouse
(btw Broadway and Eighth Avenue)
Anyone who wants to participate in the show should attend! Whether you want to act, sing, dance, have a large part or a small part, show up and get ready for fun.
Any SCA member who attends can be in the show! Open call is to determine who’ll play whom. Just bring yourself ­ no audition material needed. All past actors
welcome too ­ don’t be shy.
Show date: Saturday, December 10, 2011
Rehearsals will be primarily on Sundays from 3­-6pm. Times may vary. Additional rehearsals will be held the week of the show and all day on December 10th. Not everyone will be
called for every rehearsal.

News from DC

The Washington Intergroup produces a newsletter six times a year. The most recent features a “My Story” by Craig C. and an article about the Sexual Recovery Plan by Randy G. Here are some excerpts.

From Craig:

My experience with SCA was a beacon of hope for me. In my first meeting, I
immediately recognize at least two people in the meeting from my past
hookups. Although I was a little afraid that people who I used to know in
my life would know my secret, I realize now that’s the point – to not
to have secrets about this. If there is one activity that has given me my
year of sobriety, it’s been the ability to come into an SCA meeting and
to talk about my addiction to include my fears, triumphs and trials. My
relationship with my partner has become even stronger, and we are both
growing as individuals and as couples. And for that I am grateful. 

From Randy:

That is why I need a recovery plan, and why I always have to think clearly
about the choices I am making and their impact on not just myself but the
other important people in my life; my family. I have been blessed with a
very supportive, caring wife and children, but it will always continue to
depend on my choices to stay sexual sober and follow the recovery plan
that I need to achieve that goal.

An archive of the DC newsletters, including the latest one, is available at: