Wednesday, January 8th
I shared in a meeting about wanting a sponsor. A member offered to work with me.
Many of us entered recovery with a sense of unfulfilled neediness. Our feelings of shame and low self-worth made us hide our needs and desires, as well as our compulsive activities. We may have felt embarrassed to ask anyone for help. We wanted to believe we could control our destiny.
As we attend meetings and use the SCA Tools of Recovery, we learn about honesty, openness, and willingness. Members share their experience, strength, and hope in meetings and conversations. Yet, fear of being vulnerable or losing control of the situation might hold us back from asking for help and working with a sponsor.
We learn that faith overcomes fear. Working the first three Steps can help us develop faith in our Higher Power. Our fears do not vanish; instead, we experience our faith as more substantial than our fears.
By placing trust in our Higher Power, we open ourselves to positive change. We see others ask for and get help, and we summon the courage and trust to do the same. The recovery process teaches us to advocate for ourselves and show compassion for others.
I had the courage to ask for help and finally began accepting the help offered.