January 26th Meditation: Acceptance and Change

Sunday, January 26th

My sexual acting out had become ritualized. I saw no way out.

Many SCA members have shared how they realized they were powerless to change their sexually compulsive behaviors. We kept promising ourselves we’d avoid a harmful activity, but that seldom had a lasting effect.

“I assumed for years that I was in control of my life and managing the chaos. How far from the truth was that?”

Once we start working the Steps and utilizing other program tools, we may feel our outlook on life change. Working the Twelve Steps is a spiritual process of growth, being, and becoming. It is finding what works for us, asking for what we need, and accepting who we are.

This process helps build our faith by trusting our Higher Power to take care of us. Our fears do not vanish — we simply develop a deeper faith than our fears. We begin to believe our lives can be different. The entire spiritual process of recovery allows us to be open to change.

We often describe SCA as a program of self-acceptance. Acceptance can be a huge relief: we no longer use our compulsion to numb our feelings or lose ourselves in hours of endless isolation.

We will discover ourselves, our spirituality, and our connection to our Higher Power. 

January 25th Meditation: The Tool of Dating

Saturday, January 25th

Dating is a way of changing the instant gratification habit and getting to know more about ourselves and another person before committing to any sexual decisions.

Some of us routinely engaged in sexual activity as a means of finding love and affection. But casual or anonymous sex often blocked our efforts to build intimate relationships. As a result, we found ourselves repeatedly frustrated and let down. Our sexual encounters often left us with the need to fill ourselves with something better, but we didn’t know what or how.

If we have tried dating, many of us found it difficult to establish any real connection. We might have chosen to be sexual right away, but doing so may have disrupted any further momentum in building an intimate relationship.

Step Three leads to an opening: when we surrender ourselves to Let go and let God, we gradually become healthy enough to appear attractive to others instead of appearing desperate and needy.

“Over time, my dating experiences got more intimate and meaningful. I began to focus on what I could contribute to, rather than take from, the relationship.”

Sometimes, sex is within dating or a committed relationship, and sometimes, it isn’t. But most importantly, it is my choice, and I have a healthier sexual life as a result.

SCA Daily Meditations e-book now available

Our Journey of Recovery: SCA Daily Meditations is now available in e-book format through Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Books for $7.99. We will continue to post today’s (and tomorrow’s) meditation for free on our website each day. However, e-book users can click the “List of Titles” (an index) on each page to choose any topic or issue mentioned in any part of the book and instantly click the relevant texts. A slogan index is also linked to those texts. SCA plans to produce a print version of this book later this summer. Here are the links to the three e-book platforms.





