Tuesday, January 7th
At my first meeting, I realized I was not alone in my life-long struggle with these compulsive behaviors.
Meetings give us the strength to stop having compulsive sex one day at a time and to reshape our lives in realistic ways. The support of fellow members helps us to stop acting out and start sorting out our confusion about sex. As meetings help us heal, we begin to see how sexual compulsion affects all areas of our lives.
“When I heard the Characteristics being read, I knew I was ‘home.’ I was the first to raise my hand during the sharing portion of that meeting.”
We learn to rely on meetings as a vital tool to establish and maintain sexual sobriety. We can drag ourselves to a meeting, even if we don’t want to — especially if we don’t want to. We don’t talk about it; we just go.
By listening to one another and sharing our struggles with recovery, we remind ourselves and others where we have been and how far we have come in our journey. We pass on to others what we have so freely received. Open and honest sharing helps carry the spiritual message we gain from others’ experience, strength, and hope.
Whenever I slip, I go back to a meeting and share my story.