The Fiduciary Chair is the administrative support for SCA, maintaining the financial records, creating a yearly budget, and safeguarding all the records with archiving responsibilities for prior year records.
We ensure the website is up to date and current, and currently are redoing it and in the redesign stage. The programming stage will soon follow to get it up and running.
We are also in the midst of moving our archives and trying to get it all electronic and securely stored. We are looking at ways to help pay for our reps to attend the annual face to face meetings so there would be more attendance and feedback at the conference. We already have in place for our officers to get reimbursed for there expense. We are working to make sure we have a private policy in place so that if anyone orders anything through us knows how we gather and use the information that is provided to us. We are also looking into how that information is stored so it doesn’t get lost or hacked into with the information that is gathered.