The Outreach Committee handles a number of vital functions, such as our 800-number, PO Box, and email account. Ongoing projects include the sponsor-by-mail prisoner outreach. The committee’s leadership has undergone several turnovers in the past couple years, so additional projects have been on hold.
Our highest priorities would be reaching out to professional organizations and developing our capacity to respond to media queries. We also want to place SCA ads in relevant apps and online resources, such as recovery blogs, publications, and search engines. To strengthen the outreach committee’s team, we hope to recruit the outreach/12th-step committee chairs from the various Intergroups to join our committee. Another project would be to reach out to the other S-fellowships regarding an agreement not to solicit one another’s members. Finally, we would like to contact other 12-step groups that make referrals, such as AA, and ask them to include SCA.
We believe that these efforts could significantly impact the growth of our fellowship in the future. The Outreach Committee is always open to people who want to contribute their talents. In particular, we are seeking someone to Chair the committee. Any nominations should be sent to the Inreach Nominating Committee at sca [dot] iso [dot] inreach [at] gmail [dot] com.