SCA Los Angeles New Year’s Retreat



The annual New Year’s retreat will be held
Friday evening December 31, 2010 to

Sunday lunch January 2, 2011 


at Serra Retreat House in Malibu

Registration information and other details available at:

You may contact the retreat committee at scalaretreat@gmail to be added to the list.

or you may MAIL your request to be added to the list to:

SCA Retreat

7985 Santa Monica Blvd Box # 109-96

West Hollywood, CA 90046

All spots filled according to the date you register through PayPal or postmark date if you mail your registration form.

New site for Los Angeles Intergroup

Los Angeles Intergroup has established a new site:

Almost all of the site is available in both English and Spanish. (To reach a Spanish page, it seems that you first have to go to the proper English page and then click on the “EspaƱol” link at the bottom. There does not appear to be a way to navigate in Spanish yet.)

Your suggestions and comments are welcome.

Halloween Party in New York

From New York Intergroup…

Sunday, Oct. 31st 5-7ish at The Center 
(Ground floor dance hall, Room 101)

~ SCA Halloween
Party ~

Halloween can be a tough holiday. Come join your SCA friends for a
sober Halloween party at The Center, 5-7ish Sunday Oct. 31st.  Hang out, enjoy the free food and good
company, then watch the village parade starting at 7pm or go to fellowship after with your friends.


All of this iFREE! … courtesy of your SCA NY Intergroup.


Question:  Should I wear a costume?  Answer: Yes. Don’t
be a curmudgeon.
Question:  Who else is going as what? Answer:  It’s very
likely that Sarah Palin will be there. Can’t seem to get rid of her….

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED… to help set up, sell raffle tickets, and
clean up after.
Just reply to this email and/or let Tony D or Jeffrey W know you’re
available to come early
or stay a bit late.


Healthy Dating Workshop in LA

As part of its 12th Step outreach, LA Intergroup is participating in the following workshop…

Discover the Tools of Healthy Dating

For Better Intimacy in Relationships


TIME:  7:00 pm SHARP
LOCATION: The Village at Ed Gould Plaza

1125 N. McCadden Place
Los Angeles, CA  90038

RSVP: No need to RSVP — just show up…on time, please!

EVENT COST: This is a free event.

Never mind the breaking
news about Tiger Woods, George Michael or David Duchovny who plays a
sex addict on TV. Have you ever wondered if you or your friends are in
healthy dating relationships?  Is the definition of intimacy getting naked together, or is it something more?  What is healthy dating and how can that be pursued? What’s the difference between lust and healthy sexual desires?

many men, sexual compulsive behaviors are a way of trying to fill an
emotional void that’s rarely satiated by one-night stands,
masturbation, hours and hours of viewing Internet porn, or even
engaging in loving, monogamous sex, all to achieve euphoric thrills of

In this frank and candid Q &A workshop, your questions and concerns can be explored in complete anonymity led by a panel of volunteers of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous, a 12-step program.

men have an unusually intense sex drive and may experience an unhealthy
preoccupation with sex, despite the negative consequences they bring.

Participants will
explore the 14 characteristics of a sexually compulsive person and
answer 20 questions that will help define their human sexuality.

Whether you are single
or in a relationship, this workshop will explore on a personal level
how today’s active man can come to terms with becoming better partners
and living happier more fulfilled lives.

Refreshments, literature and fellowship after the meeting will be offered.

Tokyo: New location, new website

Tokyo SCA has a new website,

There is still one meeting a week, every Friday, but the location has changed. Meetings are conducted in Japanese. Here are the details:

FRIDAY 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Setagaya-kuritsu Karasuyama kumin-center
meeting room
(3rd Floor), 6-2-19 Minamikarasuyama Setagaya-ku (near Chitose-karasuyama
station of
the Keio line). Open meeting on first Friday (non-SCA members welcomed), closed on other Fridays (limited to those who want to stop having compulsive sex).


Day of Recovery in Chicago

Clearing the Wreckage: making peace with our past

Day of Recovery 2010 “Clearing the Wreckage: making peace with our past” is scheduled for Saturday, October 9, 2010 at Unity in Chicago, 1925 W. Thome Ave., Chicago IL 60660. 

It is an open event for those in sexual recovery, supportive partners and friends, health
professionals, etc. and will feature author and journalist Benoit Denizet-Lewis (author of “America Anonymous: Eight Addicts in Search of a Life” and national speaker on addiction, sex and relationship addiction, and gender), Bill L. (Co-founder of SCA and member of the New York fellowship), and Mona W. of the Chicago fellowship of SLAA along with workshops and meetings facilitated by program members. 

Suggested donation of $25 which includes continental breakfast and lunch; no one turned away for lack of funds. 

Sponsored by Chicagoland Intergroup of SCA.

DC happenings

Two important pieces of news from the Washington DC Intergroup….

1) They have a new website,

2)  They are sponsoring a retreat in Charlestown, WV, on October 8-10. Out-of-towners who want to attend might be out of luck because of demand, but you might want to try the DC message line at +1-202-736-3736.

Here are the details from their website, under the Special Events link.

The DC-SCA Annual Fall retreat is held over the Columbus Day weekend at
a beautiful retreat center in Charlestown, WV. The retreat begins with
dinner on Friday and ends mid-day on Sunday. The weekend is full of
meetings, workshops, guest speakers, hiking, fellowship, yoga,
relaxation and great food. The retreat is a great place for SCA members
to fellowship with other members and to share their experience,
strength and hope. The retreat is so popular, there is usually a
waiting list for openings in registrations. Scholarships are available.