Interfellowship event in New York

SCA on an international level has been involved in the Interfellowship Forum
the early ’90’s.  The basic principle of this forum is to enable
between the “S” fellowships. In the spirit of cooperation, we note
the following information received from the New York Intergroup of Sex Addicts Anonymous.


SAA Intergroup of Metro NY will be holding a
Share-A-Day on 12 June 2010.
All S-fellowship members are welcome to

Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square
South, New York, NY 10012

8:00 a.m.- 9:15 a.m.  BREAKFAST
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  MORNING PROGRAM
12:00 p.m. – 1:00
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  AFTERNOON PROGRAM

Donation: $15. Donations can be made at the door.


Planning begins for NY holiday show

Want to write and/or direct an SCA show?

Two important dates coming up to prepare for the SCA-NY Holiday Party, to be held on Sat., Dec. 11.

Sat, June 12th – General Information Meeting / Optional
Sat, June 26th – Public Vote on Show Proposals / Required for Writers/Directors (or send proxy)

Why meet/decide so early?  It’s best to give writers enough time
to write their work, and commence casting in the Fall.  A few months of rehearsal and we’re already square
at December.

This is not a call for actors/performers.  That will be announced at a later date.
Please DO come though to the meeting, if you want a voice in deciding the future show.

Any questions, please speak to Brian S, Jeffrey W or Tony D in SCA meetings.

DC Newsletter is out …

The latest issue includes the first part of Jim P.’s story, along with Ethan T.’s story of dual addictions. An excerpt:

I’ll be the first to admit that I have had the occasional slip-up in
my S-program. However, when I look back at how
unmanageable my life had become, I realize just how much
progress, albeit incremental, I have made. I feel so incredibly
blessed and grateful to have found these rooms. I would not
wish either of these addictions on my worst enemy but I can
honestly say that I am a better, richer, and happier person as a
result of my arduous journey. And I’ll definitely keep coming

For the latest edition and an archive of past issues, click here.

St. Louis Retreat – Registration Open

Gateway to Recovery Retreat
August 27-29

The second annual interfellowship retreat
sponsored by St. Louis Intergroup will be held at the Marinist Center near Eureka,
MO. The brochure is now out.

Registration Options

All 3 days, w/6 meals, bedding and linen:
$190.00 per person ($210 if registration received after 8/7)

Saturday only, w/ 3 meals:
$90.00 per person (no scholarships available)

Limited scholarships will be available for
those unable to pay the full weekend tuition.

Send registration form with $100 deposit
(Saturday-only registrants send full
tuition) by August 7 for the discounted
rate. Full payment is due August 21.

Please make checks (no cash) payable to:
St. Louis Retreat Committee.
You will
receive registration confirmation by mid-August,
which will provide directions and
all necessary details.

For more information, please contact:

News from Belgium

Belgium has recently held its national Intergroup meeting and will be sending an update. In the meantime, they want people to note that the Brussels meeting is in a new location (same time as before).



Meetings are conducted in Flemish. There are often speakers of English
and/or French in attendance as well. Please visit the Belgium website
for additional details.

Louis Straussstraat 3
Exporex (next to Christ the King Church)
Every Monday from 20 to 22h.

Goede Bijstandsstraat 5
Every Tuesday from 20 to 22h.

Tenderstraat 14
Every first and third Tuesday of the month from 20h to 22h.

Ravenstraat 98
(Access: opposite nr. 99, go under the building through the Dominicans
Fathers to the rear building, where you enter through the glass door
and knock on the door with the “SCA” sign)
Every Thursday from 20 to 22h.