A big Thank You from New York Intergroup

Thanks to all who showed up at the variety show Fundraiser last
Friday evening

Thanks to all who performed, and of course a huge thanks to Frank

for pulling it all together.

Together with contributions from members who couldn’t attend, we
a grand total of $500 for
the retreat scholarship fund

The Special Events committee will present a check to the Retreat
perhaps at upcoming Spring Conference  (Mark your calendars: May
13-14th @  PS41)

The variety show was well-loved by all, and we hope it can become an
annual tradition, with more coming and supporting us year after year.

Your SCA NY Intergroup.

ISO annual meeting online

The International Service Organization of SCA will hold its annual board meeting March 11-13 in San Diego, California. Information has been sent to all groups and Intergroups who have registered for our online list.

Those who cannot attend in person are welcome to participate by telephone. For information, contact me, the Inreach coordinator. My email address is starts with the word inreach, followed by an “at” sign, then sca-recovery.org.

ISO is the “conference” in “conference-approved literature”; coordinates sharing of information between groups and intergroups, and is the steward designated by the fellowship as a whole. The board meets once a year to form the fellowship’s Group Conscience on a variety of matters. Your input counts!

John F., inreach chair

Twitter news

As previously mentioned, we don’t allow named individuals to follow our Twitter feed, because that’s publicly available and would violate the tradition of anonymity.

GOOD NEWS, however, for Twitter users. We have created an anonymous account with a “list” of numerous 12-Step feeds. It’s safe to subscribe to this list because any number of people could have a reason to join: therapists, interested parties, relatives and friends, you name it. It’s not strictly limited to SCA, or to any 12-Step fellowship for that matter.

Follow the user “all12steps” and the list “recovery” to get the SCAnner tweets (among others). In twitterese, that’s @all12steps/recovery

Hope this helps!

SCA Los Angeles Convention 2011


“Spirit & the City”

Friday & Saturday,
February 25-26, 2011
Plummer Park in West Hollywood,
7377 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA 90046

3 Speaker Opening Meeting, workshops focusing on different tools to help
maintain sobriety with an emphasis on a spiritual connection, lots of
fellowship, and an incredible show, INTO THE PARK: A Recovery Fable

$35 early registration
$40 day of event
$20 show only (for friends & guests)

For more information or to register, please contact Manuel F., or visit the SCA Los Angeles website.

International Fellowship Forum

The International Fellowship Forum (IFF) is composed of representatives from Sexual Add’icts Anonomous, Sex & Love Addicts Anonomous, Sexual Recovery Anonomous, Sexaholics Anonomous and Sexual Compulsives Anonomous. Its purpose is to berrer carry the missage of recovery to the suffering addict. It meets yearly and is hosted by one of the member Fellowships.

One of the results of this cooperation has been the establishment of a website, sfellowships.org, where newcomers or members can obtain meeting information by typing in their location. Also, it is opportunity for Fellowships to share their literature with each other.

I have personally been involved in IFF since its inception in 2001, first as SCA’s International Coordinator and, presently, as Outreach Chair. The Forum has been particularly helpful to me in the area of prison outreach.

The Forum is an opportunity to practice the concept of “WE” rather than I.

New meeting in Hudson Valley, NY

Kingston, New York, in the Hudson Valley about two hours north of New York City and an hour south of Albany, is the site of the newest SCA meeting, starting Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011. Here are the details:

THURSDAYS, 7-8 PM, “Experience, Strength and Hope.” Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center, 300 Wall Street, Kingston, NY. 2nd floor library.

This meeting features a speaker/qualification and discussion on the 1st and 3rd weeks of each month, and a topic discussion on the 2nd and 4th weeks. Open to any and all who feel powerless over sexual thoughts and behaviors, are acting out sexually, and/or have a desire to stop their patterns of sexual compulsion and addiction.

New York plans February event

SCA New York
is having a Variety Show Fundraiser on February 25th, 2011 at

PS 41

116 West 11th Street 
(btw 6th and
7th Ave)

will open @ 7:30 PM
Show starts @ 8:00
PM. Save the date!
$10.00 suggested
fundraiser donation.

Note: this
fundraising event is separate from the regular Spring Recovery Weekend
/ Conference.
Under the Seventh Tradition, only SCA members may donate, as we decline outside contributions.

800 Number respondees

Service Opportunity


800 Number Responders

Please note change in requiremants


If you have at least 6 months in Program, you are eligible to serve as a responder to the calls for help that come in on our 800 number. This service involves retrieving the calls, two days a week, and making an appropriate response.


If you are interested, please contact Joe S, Outreach Committee Chair



212 799-0952

347 420 0100