Corrections Correspondence
a special kind of SCA Service
We are in need of SCA members on the “outside” who are willing to correspond with SCA members in correctional facilities. We are initiating a Sponsor-By-Mail service to prisoners who wish to have an outside sponsor in SCA.
If you have been continuously sober for at least six months and have experience in practicing the 12 Steps in your life, you could provide someone in prison with this important service.
Please read the Suggested Guidelines below. They are drawn from the shared experience of other 12th Step Fellowship members who have more experience in this type of Service.
Then, fill out the Sponsor-By-Mail Response Form and mail it to
Name __________________________________________ Date ________
First, Last Name
Address ______________________________________________________
This information is only for use by SBM coordinator.
In addition to observing the rules in Correctional Facilities regarding mail and correspondence, the following are suggested guidelines drawn from shared experience to help you when writing to SCA members on the “inside”.
- If you are in a relationship, we suggest speaking with your partner before undertaking this type of service work. We also suggest talking with your sponsor.
- You will use ISO’s P. O. Box rather than your home address in all correspondence.
- Remember this is not a pen pal club. We share sobriety and sobriety only, helping the inmate to write his/her own Sexual Recovery Plan, and to practice the 12 Steps in his/her life.
- We recommend that members not send money, photographs or other personal items to inmates. If a member wishes to send a gift for a special occasion, we suggest it be recovery literature. Many facilities only allow literature sent from the publisher. Some do not allow inmates to receive stamps or pre-addressed, stamped envelopes.
- In the spirit of the 12th Tradition, we respect the anonymity of our correspondents
- We have found it best for all concerned if no emotional or romantic involvements develop.
- You must be willing to attend an occasional meeting called for by the Coordinator of the Sponsor-By-Mail Service.