March 13th Meditation: Excitement Through Intrigue

Thursday, March 13th

I got high from being objectified by others.

Many of us strongly identified with the characteristics that describe how we used sex to feel validated and complete. For some, whatever we did never seemed enough. We tried to bring intensity and excitement into our lives through sex but felt ourselves growing steadily emptier.

We may have chosen to intrigue with strangers, either in person or virtually. Some of us used online dating sites or apps to connect with others. We loved the excitement of being desired without having to be physically involved. Often, these encounters would fail to produce any sense of validation or connection. Prospective sex partners would become “ghosts.” Or, we might hook up with someone, but it turned out to be the same old routine. The sex failed to relieve the disappointment and unhappiness we experienced in our everyday lives. We still felt incredibly empty.

“I eventually realized there had to be a better way to relate to people than haunting that site.”

Working the Steps and using the Tools can provide some insight and enable spiritual growth. Our lives become more than the compelling need for our next sexual encounter, fix of validation, or the distraction of a new obsession.

We will stop pursuing those who are unavailable or who would reject or abuse us. 

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