Saturday, January 18th
I sometimes worry that it is too late to unblock my creativity. Of course, these thoughts aren’t true.
As our recovery progressed, we realized there were dreams we had abandoned when we were preoccupied with our sexual compulsion. We recalled things we had always wanted to do but never got around to doing because we spent so much time or money (or both) on compulsive sex.
“Staying sober on my plan seems boring. What do I do with all my free time?”
Constructing our Sexual Recovery Plan invites us to replace old sexually compulsive behaviors with new activities, people, and places. These are vital elements of our lives that we neglected or never sought in our addictive past. Gradually, we can add more and more positive sexual and non-sexual activities. For most SCA members, the Sexual Recovery Plan continually deepens and evolves.
We try to be realistic by adding items that we are willing to do and are enjoyable, not things we think we “should” do. We might measure our sexual sobriety by the goals we set for ourselves and our positive actions. When we have difficulty abstaining from acting out, we can find strength in taking those positive actions.
Attending my first SCA meeting, I gained new insight into using creativity as a tool.