Friday, January 10th
We cannot think our way into right action. We act our way into right thinking.
SCA is a Twelve Step spiritual program of recovery from sexual compulsion and addiction. We work our recovery by using recovery tools, including attending meetings, reading program literature, sponsorship, fellowship, prayer and meditation, service, and working the Twelve Steps. Through participation in and working the program, we reach a point where we can express our sexuality in healthy and responsible ways.
While the other tools support behavior modification, we can receive the grace of a spiritual awakening that transforms us from within by working the Steps. This awakening provides the basis for a fundamental change in our attitudes, behaviors, and interactions with others. Rigorous honesty is an integral part of the program. By being honest with ourselves and others, we begin to feel relief from the shame and secrecy that had burdened many of us before recovery.
We take care of ourselves by working the SCA program as best we can and connecting with our Higher Power and others in recovery. Our lives go from being focused on compulsive sex to being centered on service to ourselves and others.
“I have seen the program work for my fellows, and it has worked for me too.”
We remember the fundamental slogan of Twelve Step recovery:
It works if you work it.