The ISO Outreach Committee

Joe S. is chair of the ISO Outreach Committee, which is responsible for contact between ISO and those outside the Fellowship. Its functions include three that are highly visible:

  • It deals with requests from the media and develops a public information policy in alignment with the 12 Traditions.
  • It handles relations with hospitals, prisons and other institutions, other 12-Step Fellowships, as well as professional associations.
  • It takes responsibility for communications to ISO, whether by postal mail, electronic mail, telephone or other means.

Joe submitted the following report to the fellowship:

The annual Inter-Fellowship Forum meeting was held in Chicago on Nov 5, hosted by SCA’s Chicago Intergroup. Much of our time was spent on matters of the IFF website. A $100 fee for that website was paid to the site’s webmaster by SCA as we are the hosts of that website for the current year. A copy of the minutes of the Chicago meeting is available at 

The in-prison meeting in Avenal, CA is progressing. They were very appreciative of the Starter Kit that we sent them. They are currently meeting in the prison yard, but are trying to get a space to meet inside the prison. I volunteered to write to the prison officials on their behalf if it is necessary. I, also, invited their members to participate in our recently started Sponsor-by-Mail program.
The Sponsor-by-Mail program now has 5 sponsor volunteers and one prisoner volunteer. You can get a sign-up form and correspondence guidelines from

We now have a full list of respondees  to phone calls made to our 800 number. You can still volunteer as  a stand-by by contacting

Respectfully submitted, 

 Joe S., Outreach Chair

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