March 21st Meditation: Telephone vs. Texting

Friday, March 21st

I avoided making calls because it was much easier to isolate in my compulsion.

Connecting with others in the program is a valuable recovery tool. A phone or video call can create a meaningful personal connection. It can be used as a daily check-in tool and is especially helpful during a crisis or when a member needs to hear a calm, friendly, supportive voice.

For some, texting or emailing seems more comfortable than speaking to a live person or leaving a voicemail. Sending text messages can be helpful when short on time since these can be brief and to the point.

It is tempting to pick the easier, safer, more comfortable option. While texting is an efficient way to send information or reply to a question, making a call adds a human dimension to reaching out. We can engage in a dialogue where we exchange views, fears, resentments, hopes, or joys and get immediate feedback.

It is one thing to text our sponsor that we feel triggered and want to act out: that’s providing information. Calling our sponsor and having a conversation allows us to say or hear something that may help us at that moment: real-time compassion and support. The same dynamic can happen with a phone call to any fellow member.

Outside a meeting, a program call may be the best way to “short-circuit” a possible slip.

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