March 14th Meditation: Gratitude

Friday, March 14th

I blamed others for the mess I had made of my life, but I blamed myself most of all.

Many of us tend to focus on all we don’t have in our lives. Our feelings of shame or perfectionism may affect how we view ourselves and our surroundings.

We can’t change the past. While we may have real, justified resentments and even lasting damage, our willingness to forgive is one way of accepting the present.

While recovery works differently for everyone, many of us begin to build new coping skills instead of falling back into our compulsions. We may find that we are no longer victims of uncontrollable events but rather recipients of gifts given through the care of our Higher Power. Writing a gratitude list helps us be aware of how our lives have changed.

“I am cultivating a close, personal relationship with my Higher Power and learning how to listen to my intuitive guidance. I can do many things that were impossible a few years ago. I owe all of that to recovery.”

We now see the world as it is. We become more present in our lives and connected to the wisdom within us.

I get a daily reprieve from the compulsion to act out based on my spiritual connection that day.

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