Wednesday, March 12th
Sexual compulsion often sneaks up on us and can easily persuade us that we need to act out even when we don’t want to.
Many of us engaged in compulsive sex to momentarily escape negative feelings and to shield ourselves from life’s challenges and frustrations. But when we came down from the high of compulsive sex, our pain and anxiety were still there. We found ourselves in a deepening downward spiral of compulsivity and illusion.
“I had no insight or awareness into why I was doing what I was doing. It was a repetitive cycle with the same outcome: empty, dead, and filled with guilt and shame.”
SCA is a spiritual program. By working the Twelve Steps and using the program’s tools, we learn to practice honesty, acceptance, and trust. This awakening enables us to achieve sober clarity of mind, which frees us to make choices rather than be bound by our compulsion. As our spiritual growth progresses, we find the courage to change our behaviors and experience the freedom to expand our vision.
“I am learning to let go of trying to control others or trying to control my sexuality. I focus on cultivating a partnership with my Higher Power and allowing healing and growth.”
I cleaned the wreckage of my past, made amends, and found forgiveness for myself.