March 3rd Meditation: Self-care

Monday, March 3rd

Don’t just do something; sit there.

The entire spiritual process of recovery allows us to be open to change. Many of us felt we had to take actions to jump-start our recovery: share at meetings, do service, sponsor other members, etc. These activities felt both exciting and productive. We were helping ourselves by helping others.

However, as sexual compulsives, we can go overboard, even in a “good” direction. We find it best to be mindful of two slogans: Keep it simple and Easy does it.

We live one day at a time, trusting the new routines of our life in recovery. As the clutter in our minds, hearts, and bodies clears, we can listen to our intuition and feel the presence of our Higher Power. We develop patience and trust in our healing process.

Even the busiest member can step back to recall some basic self-care phrases: Take time for me, Be gentle with myself, I’m a human being, not a human doing, and Breathe.

“I’ve learned in SCA that recovery is not a race but a ride. I have learned to enjoy the scenery.”

I am kind and gentle toward myself.

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