March 2nd Meditation: Service

Sunday, March 2nd

Service is a way of helping ourselves by helping others.

Doing service is a commitment to ourselves, the fellowship, and fellow sexual compulsives. It helps rescue us from isolation. Many of us felt isolated and desperate when we arrived at our first SCA meeting. It was often difficult to imagine how we could successfully relate to others in a non-sexual way.

As we attend more meetings, we begin to sense that we might belong there. We find it easier to overcome early anxiety about being at meetings, raising our hands, or even staying until the end of a meeting. We discover that doing small acts of service can make us feel at home and connected with others.

“I have learned that being of service equals getting out of my head, and doing so deepens my sobriety and sense of belonging.”

Continuing to be of service can transform us as we maintain our existing connections and develop new ones. Our lives go from being centered on compulsive sex to being centered on service. We become increasingly useful instruments of our Higher Power.

In helping others, we become nourished ourselves. We come to identify with the slogan: To keep it, we give it away.

Doing service has opened up my life in a way I could not have imagined possible.

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