March 1st Meditation: Becoming Entirely Ready

Saturday, March 1st

Our compulsive behaviors are but symptoms of the underlying spiritual disease. 

In reviewing our work on Step Four, we may have identified character defects that we wished to remove. The list may not be complete — we may discover more defects as we work the Steps — but the point is that we wish to “clean our side of the street” while working our recovery.

How do we become entirely ready to remove these character defects or shortcomings? We can develop a trust that the Higher Power of our understanding can remove them. We can pray and meditate about a particular character defect and perhaps write down ways to counter it. Some think of this as learning to take contrary action to our learned impulses. Doing so is one way to humble ourselves and meet our Higher Power halfway in removing our character defects.

Sometimes, we are confronted by a particularly tough character defect. Self-will exerts itself, and we reject all suggestions to take contrary action. We dig in our heels and return to feeling entitled to engage in behaviors we have previously determined are objectionable. This attitude is not unusual for us as sexual compulsives. Talking to others, writing, and praying may help us become entirely ready once again.

We will find it easier to entrust outcomes to our Higher Power.

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