February 23rd Meditation: My Evolving Sexual Recovery Plan

Sunday, February 23rd

I didn’t want to create a “plan” like I heard people describing. It seemed too much of a commitment.

A Sexual Recovery Plan is a predetermined way of expressing our sexuality consistent with our values. When we are confused, we have our SRP as a written guideline to help us. The purpose of our plan is not to make our sex lives more rigid but to free them from behaviors that cause problems.

Working with our sponsor, we may begin making our plan by deciding which of our activities harm us or others or make our lives unmanageable. When we follow our Sexual Recovery Plan, we move away from those harmful behaviors and toward healthy ones. We often regain some of the time and energy we had been spending on our compulsions.

Constructing a plan also invites us to replace old attitudes about our sexually compulsive behaviors with new activities, people, places, and things in our lives. Many members, especially newcomers, find this part challenging because we believe ourselves unworthy and undeserving of rewards. As we recover, we may soon discover that our attitudes have changed.

Many of us find that our plan continually deepens and evolves as we work the program. We might notice that our “bottom-line” behaviors begin to shrink in importance while our “top lines” expand.

Living according to my plan has expanded my life.

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