January 17th Meditation: On Resentments

Friday, January 17th

Resentment destroys more sexual compulsives than anything else. Because what better way to “get even” than by acting out?

Resentments often create a sense of entitlement. In this state of mind, with our sexual compulsion activated, we may have caused harm to others, which at the time seemed perfectly justifiable.

“I felt trapped into living a life that made me miserable. I decided to get revenge on the world by having lots of unsafe sex. Of course, I was also taking revenge upon myself.”

We can’t change the past. While we may have real, justified resentments and even lasting damage, our willingness to live in the present can help free us from some of our burdens.

Recalling that Twelve Step recovery is a spiritual process, we work toward a willingness to accept a shift in our way of thinking: a sense that we aren’t alone and that help is available. We may find that we no longer see ourselves as victims of uncontrollable events but as recipients of gifts given through the care of our Higher Power.

We will stop seeing ourselves as victims; instead, we will learn we can take responsibility for our lives with the help and grace of our Higher Power.

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