One thought on “QUESTIONS & THOUGHTS

  1. Dear DP,
    Thank you for contacting Sexual Compulsives Anonymous. SCA is a Twelve-Step fellowship of people who share our experience, strength and hope with each other to help recover from sexual compulsion/addiction.

    Twelve-Step recovery was originated by Alcoholics Anonymous. Many of our members belong to other fellowships, including AA, other “S- fellowships,” or those dealing with drugs, gambling, debt, over-eating, etc…

    People who are affected by another’s sexual compulsion/addiction often experience a feeling of helplessness in trying to help the addict. There are various support groups that serve people who are facing such problems. SCA does not currently have such a support group for families and friends of sexual compulsives. However, there are some twelve-Step fellowships, such as Al-Anon, to serve those whose lives have been or are being affected by someone else’s addictions.

    If you believe that your spouse or significant other might benefit from twelve-step recovery, you might encourage them to attend any SCA meeting. There are no dues or fees, no registration or application. They are free to just show up and see for themselves if SCA may be right for them.
    Here is a link to SCA’s International Meeting list:

    Gordon B.
    SCA Outreach volunteer

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