July 16th Meditation: Impatience with Slow Progress

Tuesday, July 16th

I wanted to join SCA, stay a few months, then leave! I’m glad I stayed.

In our compulsion, many of us sought instant gratification. We might have fretted, lost patience, and perhaps blown up at others if we did not get our way, sexually or otherwise. After joining SCA, we may have become frustrated at the slowness of our recovery, wishing we could finish the Steps in a few months and then “Presto: we’re cured!”

The recovery process is not just a linear series of exercises or tests to see if we can achieve sobriety. Rather, recovery is a journey of personal growth, which for many of us includes resuming the “growing up” we had put on hold when we first began our earliest acting out.

Working the first three Steps can enable us to trust a Higher Power of our choosing while letting go of the need to control our compulsion. We begin to understand how our Higher Power can help us grow spiritually, not just stop us from acting out.

Making the journey involves a commitment to honesty, patience, and fearlessness. We found the courage to begin when we attended our first meeting. Taking inventory, asking for help, restoring relationships, and learning compassion are ways we can develop serenity and lasting sobriety.

Recovery is a lifetime journey that brings many gifts.

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