December 22nd Meditation: Healing Through Sharing

Sunday, December 22nd

I heard someone else tell “my” story at my first meeting. I knew I was home.

As sexual compulsives, we sought to escape negative feelings by acting out. In early recovery, we have an opportunity to face those feelings. We each bring our own histories, issues, and character traits into the rooms but are united in trying to find a solution.

We hear about and may begin to define a Higher Power of our understanding. Some view their Higher Power as the collective wisdom of the group. This concept might strengthen our sense of community. We may begin to experience a Higher Power at work while attending meetings.

We may identify with hearing some members’ shares but feel confused by others. Some will talk about their experience, strength, and hope in recovery. Others might share about resentments, fears, or a traumatic event. Perhaps a newcomer shares something that strikes a chord with us.

Some may mention outside events or refer to psychological issues unfamiliar to us. We might think that those issues or events are a distraction. But instead of judging others’ shares or taking their inventory, we can recognize how their underlying feelings and character traits may closely resemble our own.

We heal by honestly sharing what is on our minds and in our hearts.

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