Go Figure!

Out of all the SCA survey respondents over half had either never heard of or read:

Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Moving Thru Withdrawal
Secret Shame

yet many members complain that there is not enough SCA literature!  Go Figure?

Our literature is available on our website and over the internet

2020 Annual Conference Report

The International Service Organization of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (ISO of SCA)

held its annual business conference during the weekend ending April 19th, 2020.
The following is a summary of the Conference:
We unconditionally approved the Commentaries on the 12 Steps of SCA
We unconditionally approved “The Gifts of Recovery”, formerly identified as “What We Get from Working the Program”
We unconditionally approved 8 individual stories of recovery submitted by SCA members
We unconditionally approved the German translation of the SCA Blue Book
We unconditionally approved the French translation of the Four-Fold
We approved immediate and widespread distribution of the SCA Fellowship Inventory Survey findings/suggestions to the membership through various means, including PDF files and possible printing, if needed
We approved convening a special ISO Conference in late October 2020 (date TBD). It will be conducted remotely. Its primary purpose will be to consider additional SCA literature for approval: including, but not limited to commentaries on the 14 Characteristics, more individual recovery stories submitted by SCA members, and a piece on Porn, Apps & Internet Addiction. [This event is in addition to the regularly scheduled ISO quarterly conference calls: July 18, October 3, January 16, 2021, and the annual ISO conference, to be held in Atlanta in spring of 2021]
Following our current (2018) Literature Development Procedure, all literature must be submitted to the ISO list at least 90 days prior to the conference, in order for it to be considered. A progress report on the Big Book development may also be given.

We approved an amended Donations policy, which limits annual individual donations to $5,000 and sets a one-time $10,000 limit of donations made through wills, trusts, foundations, and other fiduciary entities. This had not previously been specifically defined.
We approved a Commercial Transactions policy, establishing limits on long-term financial commitments entered into by the Fiduciary committee. It also prohibits any rent/lease of ISO resources to any entity within or outside SCA. Any monetary transactions benefitting ISO will be deemed 7th Tradition donations to the general fund, without consideration of any direct or specific benefit.
Elections of Officers
Fiduciary Chair: David N. (NY) re-elected for a 2-year term (2022)
Inreach Chair: Gary S. (NY) re-elected for a 2-year term (2022)
Director-at-Large: Laura R. (LA) elected for a 2-year term (2022)