September 16th Meditation: Mutual Support

Monday, September 16th

Unconditional acceptance and encouragement from other members have helped me to love myself, and I’m so grateful.

We entered recovery struggling with various problems related to sexual compulsion. Often, these included trust and intimacy issues. Our tendency to self-isolate drove many of us deeper into our compulsive behaviors. We may have instinctively felt embarrassed to ask anyone for help: we wanted to believe we could control our destinies.

As we attend meetings and hear other members share their experience, strength, and hope, we begin to see how being part of a community of recovering sexual compulsives can positively affect our lives. We can interact openly with people rather than conceal our thoughts and feelings. We respond with a willingness to say “yes” to our recovery.

By placing trust in our Higher Power, we open ourselves to positive change. Help and support are available; we have only to ask. We may be surprised by the support we get when we show our vulnerability. We see others ask for and get help, and we summon the courage and trust to do likewise. When we learn to use that support, we also find the strength to help others we meet on our recovery journey.

I keep coming back because I believe that my recovery works if I work it and live it.

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