Editor's Note

Hello, Fellow Travelers on the road to Recovery! Welcome to the new look SCAnner. In the last issue, Joe F announced that he had come to the end of his term as editor of the SCAnner, and indeed at this year's ISO Conference in February he passed on the awesome task of editing the SCAnner to me. We thank Joe F for all his hard work over the last few years and wonder if we will ever fit his shoes with our dainty, small feet.... The Editorship was not the only change made to the SCAnner at the ISO Conference. The Budget was slashed from $1,500 to $250 per issue, desktop publishing was eliminated and instead of producing the SCAnner in one city, printing it in another and distributing from yet another city, all these functions will now take place in the one city, making the operation much more cost and time efficient.

As you can see the SCAnner is now just 16 photocopied pages. It has been entirely produced in Microsft Word on my laptop, and is available on the SCA web site at:


While we have centralized the production and distribution we hope to continue to expand the range and diversity of the contributions.

In this issue which is focused on meetings, we have a report from Bill E, in Washington DC on the 1998 ISO Conference, a 9hr business meeting! Bill L and Frank H, the co-founders of SCA share about the founding of SCA and the very first meetings in NY. In the spirit of Tradition 4, which allows local customs to be included in the format of our meetings, we hear about some of the variety that exists from meetings across the country. Reports from Chicago, Milwaukee, NY, LA, St Louis and Washington DC. In Food for Thought, Phideaux X tells us about some of the differences between meetings in LA and NY. David N shares some suggested guidelines for meetings culled from NY Intergroup Minutes. Jerry J in LA and George P and Mark F, respectively report on the LA and NY 1998 Conferences. In New York we interview Paul W, the outgoing Chair of NY Intergroup. Finally in New York, we launch the Great Traditions Search and declare June 1998, Traditions month! (Something all meetings can participate in).

David A-S, Editor.