SCA on the Internet

By John F., national coordinator

SCA has a new home -- or a new home page anyway. It's on the World Wide Web, a computer network accessible by modem to anyone with an Internet account. While SCA does not offer Internet accounts, these are available from a variety of sources.

Our WWW address is

Some Intergroups have begun noting this address on their meeting lists. And that's especially appropriate, as there is now a special "online" meeting that began in July 1996. This meeting follows the basic format of any SCA meeting: there is the Opening Statement; a topic; sharing; the Closing Statement; even a Treasurer's Break! It differs from most other meetings, though, in that it lasts for one month. The topic for August, for example, was "How have we used the Tools That Help Us Get Better to deal with fantasies?"

Another part of the web site has a current version of the International Meeting List, especially useful for SCA members traveling to other cities.

These two areas require a special "User name" and "Password," to prevent nonmembers from gaining access to sensitive material. If you would like to visit, see our Web site for information.

Here are some of the other items on our Web site:

As you might guess, this has proved to be a tremendous resource for the sexual compulsive still suffering. We have been averaging about 40 visits a day, and people have arrived from dozens of countries. Many of these are the curious -- they call up the initial page, look it over, and move on. Others explore the site further.

And many write to us, asking for help. We recently got a letter from Budapest, for example, asking for literature. Someone in Austria wanted to set up a meeting, as did someone in Saskatchewan. A member from Paris found out about meetings while planning a trip to North America. It truly is a World Wide Web. We have had visitors from Saudi Arabia to Singapore and from India to Ireland.

Most recently, various Intergroups have asked about posting their own pages. Under our Seventh Tradition, I have asked Intergroups to make voluntary contributions of any amount to ISO for this service, with a suggested contribution of $5 a month. This service currently costs ISO about $20 a month, although we expect this to rise to perhaps $35 a month in time. San Diego is the first to take advantage of this service.

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Sexual Compulsives Anonymous International Service Organization
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