NYC Conference 10th Anniversary: Continuing The Journey

By David A-S, NY-SCA

The Tenth Annual NY SCA Conference held at the Lesbian and Gay Community Center in May almost didn't happen. In the initial planning stages there were not many people willing to facilitate the Conference by offering their service. Finally however, a small number of valiant and enterprising members of the fellowship banded together and made it possible for the NY SCA Conference to celebrate a decade with all the due pomp and acclamation. I write this report as a paean to those trusted servants listed below and everyone else who participated in bringing the Conference to fruition.

The Conference theme was "Continuing the Journey" and began on Friday night in the Network Room at the Center. Nearly 200 participants registered for the weekend of meetings, workshops, fellowship, dance and final show. The Conference was opened by Bob H., who admitted that doing service for the conference helped him to stay on his plan by interacting with so many people in a healthy and constructive way. The treasurer Michael G. sighed in relief when the opening meeting began. Finally it had hit home that he had been involved in the setting up and that the hard work had all come together. The three keynote speakers, sharing their experience, strength, and hope, opened the door for a whole weekend of growth.

Behind the scenes trusted servants labored away even on opening night. It was discovered that housing had not been provided for a member who had come a long way. Almost immediately, however someone did step forward to house the weary traveller. Jim J. (Registration Chair) was heartened by the spontaneous and immediate generosity of the fellowship. He was also able to accept some of this generosity by not condemning himself harshly over this incident which was clearly beyond his control.

Saturday and Sunday were filled with workshops aimed at "Continuing the Journey" and included topics such as: Intimacy, Bi-sexuality, Conscious Relationships, Turning Points, Dating, Spiritual Awakenings, Healthy Sexuality in Relationships, Body Image, Multiple Addictions. Some of the workshop leaders revealed to me how they are continuing their journeys in sobriety (the final frontier!). Vito A. (Dating Workshop) who working on the SCA 800 number and letter-writing to lone members, is also keen to do some "recovery" drag at the next show! Dennis C. (Intimacy Workshop) discovered an underlying sense of compassion and acceptance at the Conference which allowed members to step out into new capacities that challenge their "I'm not enough" tapes. Paul B.(Multiple Addiction Workshop) found that presenting a workshop helped him to combat isolation and shyness. It made him more willing to take up the challenges that present themselves on his journey. Jerome M. (Body Image Workshop) was able to let the conference not become overwhelming and watched in awe other people's process while recognizing a power greater than himself overseeing the whole Conference.

The dance on Saturday evening was moved at the last moment from the Center to a school gymnasium on the lower West side and this proved to be a bit of a stumbling block for some people. John J. (Programming Co-Chair and Decorations Chair, food distribution and seller of T-shirts etc.), headed a team of people who carried the themes of the conference into the decorations, ambience and music at the dance. They brought class, standards and style to the entire proceedings. John found himself able to "take the focus off himself" by doing service and found that inhibitions slipped away and were replaced by bonding instead. David F. (Graphic Design Chair) sought to bring as high a standard to the visuals as has always been associated with the workshops and the entertainment for the Conference. Not only did he lift the standard of the graphics but he also lifted the timbre and quality of his sobriety through his active service participation in the conference.

The gratitude meeting on Sunday afternoon provided everyone with an opportunity to express their gratitude for what they had received and experienced over the weekend. No one, perhaps was more grateful than Joseph P. and Luis R. (Food Committee Co-chairs), when the food that had been promised for the post gratitude meeting arrived all at once just moments, it seemed, before it was needed.

The end of Conference show on Sunday night took a serious road (featured no drag...gasp!) and proved to be a very hard hitting and demanding piece of entertainment and confrontation, perfectly in line with the theme of the Conference. Yadira B, (Entertainment Chair) managed to maintain her grade point average while juggling rehearsals and exams and participating in the show as a writer, and performer. Service has a way of holding things together, Yadira tells me.

The Conference took people to many unexpected journeys over the course of the weekend and inspired them to recommit themselves to continuing their journeys. Yadira B. for example said that next year "she'll wear the dress!" (you had to be there!); Jerome M. wants "to be more open to the next level of what he's capable of doing and being" and Jim J. wants to be further empowered by the "condensed large scale expose of other people's recovery," because it allows him to be really in the present and to experience the bonding that comes from not acting out.

Bon Voyage to everyone at the Conference and to all "Continuing the Journey."

Conference Planning Committee

Chair-------------------------Bob H.
Treasurer---------------------Michael G.
Program-----------------------Joseph P and John J.
Registration------------------Jim J.
Food--------------------------Joseph P and Luis R.
Entertainment-----------------Yadira B.
Graphic Design----------------David F.
Decorations-------------------John J.

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Sexual Compulsives Anonymous International Service Organization
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