The Wednesday night meeting has started up again in a new location. It is Atlanta's only specifically gay/lesbian meeting dealing with sex addiction.
People looking for a meeting might want to try the Atlanta Area Service Group ("AASG"), an umbrella organization for various "S" fellowships, which meets on the last Sunday of every month. The phone number is 404-239-8048, and they ask for several days' notice. AASG reports more than 30 meetings of various "S" fellowships in the Atlanta area.
We have created a list of temporary sponsors that can be given to newcomers. Suggested guidelines including having: at least 9 months on a sex plan; a sponsor; done a 4th & 5th step; something to offer sponsees. The Sunday meeting now has a temporary sponsor list. For other meetings, we suggest that chairs provide a chance for those willing to be temporary sponsors to raise their hands.
A new education committee called Twelfth Step Within was formed. This committee will assist the growth and development of current SCA members. Duties include: conventions, seminars, retreats, temporary sponsors, program anniversary ceremonies.
Because of the large influx of people into the program, it was decided to hold a workshop for them.
The committee chair proposed changing the telephone access numbers for the hotline. He is considering putting together training for the hotline volunteers and doing another mailing to counseling professionals and the legal profession.
Intergroup has established a Spanish-language hotline: (213) 368-4814.
Court clerks will be on the mailing list to get a literature package. SCA's Phoenix Intergroup requested a copy of the Court Letter to adapt for its use.
One meeting lost its literature when the person doing service stopped attending. Money was lost as well. Intergroup had previously suggested a member be in SCA for six months before doing the service of treasurer, because money is involved. Because each group is autonomous, Intergroup can only make suggestions.
We now have an updated SCA International Meeting List available for sale at a cost of 50 cents.
New York Intergroup decided to print 200 copies and offer them for sale at their various meetings. The list can also be ordered from:
SCA/ISO Literature
P.O. Box 931181
Los Angeles, CA 90093-1181.
Two other items of note: Our SCA contact in Paris is available again. His name and number are listed in the new meeting list. Also, SCA meetings are available again in Atlanta. The name of the contact person there can be obtained by dialing our 800 Information number, 1-800-977-HEAL.