September 27th Meditation: Other Avenues of Care

Friday, September 27th

I continue to attend meetings and get help from other program members, professionals, family, and friends.

Many of us realize that our sexual compulsion is related to various personal issues, which may spur us to seek professional help. For some, these problems might have a debilitating physical or psychological effect on our daily lives. Some of us may seek assistance through regular counseling for our spiritual disorders. Whatever the individual circumstances, we may become aware of a wide range of possible resources.

Few of us would say that a Twelve Step program is the only way to recover from sexual compulsion. We might have experienced traumas of various kinds, including sexual abuse or exploitation. Some SCA members may benefit from the treatment of such issues in their recovery from sexual compulsion via therapy, as well as by attending our meetings. While therapy is an outside issue, and SCA has no opinion on it, many members agree with the AA Big Book paragraph that mentions “outside help” as a possible resource.

Some of us join SCA while already working with a professional. We may find that a two-pronged approach gives us extra support and helps ease us into a Twelve Step environment.

Whatever our path, by simply trying to take better care of ourselves, we can gain confidence and hope.

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